It is universally acknowledged that a single man* in possession of a good fortune must be in want of some dirty pick up lines. Yes, yes, on most days, you find these pickup lines cheesy and annoying – I have even made fun of a few people who would always always always rely on these lines for a boost in their romantic lives.
But, but, but here’s the fun fact! If you use these lines in the right place at the right time, then you might just land up on a date or, even better, in the bedroom!
Keep reading to find out more!
Keeping It Simple And Dirty: Best Dirty Pick Up Lines

Before you can drop some random pickup line on an unsuspecting victim, it’s better you try to understand the difference between freaky memes or freaky quotes and dirty pick up lines.
Also, what’s the point of looking up terms like ‘pick up lines dirty’ when you can just stay tuned with us?
But don’t you worry – I have got you covered! So without wasting any more time, scroll down to check out the top 101 dirty pickup lines you can use safely and score some major brownie points.
Dirty Pick Up Lines That Can Turn You On In A Jiffy:

If your sexual pick up lines can’t turn on people, what’s the point of using them in the first place? To make things easier, here are a few dirty pick up lines that can turn you on in a jiffy…well, that depends on how horny you are in general!

1. Are you a campfire? Because you’re hot, and I want s’more.
2. Sit on my lap, and let’s talk about the first thing that pops up.

3. If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?
4. I would offer you a cigarette, but you are already smoking hot.

5. I’ll treat you like my homework. Slam you on the table and do you all night long.
6. I think you have something on your ass. Oh wait, that’s just my eyes.

7. Let’s have a party! We’ll invite your pants to come down!
8. Ask your tits to stop staring at my eyes.

9. That outfit would look so good lying on the foot of my bed.
10. Damn, if being hot was a crime, you would be guilty as charged.

11. Roses are Red, the Sun is Gold, get on your knees and do as you are told.
12. Remember my name because you’ll be screaming it later.

13. Hey, I might be wasted, but the condom in my pocket doesn’t have to be.
14. Are you a cowgirl? Because I can see you riding me.

15. I can read minds, and yes, I’ll sleep with you.
16. Hey, up for 68? You can go down on me, and I will owe you one.

17. Are you working at Subway? Because you just gave me a footlong!
18. If you are feeling down, I can feel you up.

Dirty Pick Up Lines For The Pop Culture Fans:

If you have been looking for dirty pick up lines to say to guys, then you have come to the right place. In fact, we decided to add some spice to these usual pickup lines with some crazy popular culture references!

19. Are you winter? Because I can’t wait for you to come!
20. Let’s play Titanic. You’ll be the iceberg, and I can just go down on you.

21. One night with me, and they will start calling you the Moaning Myrtle.
22. You are worthy of my hammer.

23. Be my Dumble…whore
24. You must be Cinderella because I can see that dress disappearing by midnight.

25. Is your name Ariana? ‘Coz, your dick is Grande!
26. I’ll point my erection in your direction.

27. White lips, pale face, let’s fuck at your place.
28. Let me wreck your balls tonight!

29. You must be Medusa because you are making me rock hard.
30. You are a wonderland and I am Alice.

Dirty Pick Up Lines For Your Partner:

The thing about dirty pick up lines or even inappropriate pick up lines is that most of these sound cringy, especially when you use them upon strangers. But when used upon your partner, these can work wonders for your relationship, or erm er…arrangement. So let’s check out some of these!

31. Would you mind if I turned your floppy disk into a hard drive?
32. The word of the day is ‘legs’ – let’s just go back to your place and start spreading the word.

33. Hi, I’m an astronaut, and my next mission is to explore Ur…anus!
34. Are you butt-dialing? Because I swear that ass is calling out to me!

35. Bbbbrrrr! My hands are cold! Can I put them inside your pants and warn them up?
36. F_CK! All that’s missing is ‘u.’

37. I love your hair. Can I pull them…from behind?
38. My ideal body weight is yours on mine!

39. Your lips always taste like Wine, and I want to get drunk.
40. I can’t really sing, but you know I have got other oral talents.

41. Nice pants! Can I test the zipper?
42. Your clothes are making me uncomfortable. Why don’t you take them off?

43. Don’t tell me what to do unless you are naked!
44. My dick’s feeling a little dead today. Can you give it some mouth-to-mouth?

45. If you think I am such a pain in your ass…why not add some more lubricant.
46. You know I am not a weatherman, but you can definitely expect a few more inches tonight.

Dirty Pick Up Lines For People You Have Just Met:

Yes, yes, you can always type ‘dirty pick up lines Reddit’ and check out all the ones available on Reddit. But why do so when you can scroll down and check these out here? So scroll down and find out now!

47. Nice shirt! Can I talk you out of it?
48. I hope you have a nice day, just like your butt!

49. Are you a rainstorm because you have me dripping wet?
50. I can’t hear you. You are wearing way too many clothes.

51. I would tell you a joke about my dick…but it’s too long.
52. If you were an elevator, what button would I have to push to get you to go down?

53. If you’re feeling down, I can feel you up.
54. Your body is made up of 60% water. . .and I’m thirsty.

55. I am throwing a party and you are invited. Dress Code? Naked!
56. I’ve just moved you to the top of my ‘to-do’ list.

57. Fuc*me if I am wrong, but aren’t there only 300 days in the year?
58. There are 265 bones in the human body. How would you like one more?

59. Would you like to try an Australian kiss? It is just like a French kiss, but down under!
60. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put you between F and CK…

61. I’m like Domino’s Pizza. If I don’t come in 30 minutes, the next one is free!
62. So you aren’t into casual sex? Fine, I will just put on a tux, and we can just call it formal sex.

63. Did you know that they call me the cat whisperer? ‘Cause I always know what your pussy exactly needs.
64. You are like my Instagram feed right before bedtime? Because I want to keep double-tapping you until I pass out.

Dirty Pick Up Lines That Might Just Work!

There’s some difference between dirty pick up lines and freaky pick up lines – if you have no faith in these pick-up lines, then it’s best that you scroll down and check out these hot pick-up lines that will work for sure, provided you use them at the right time, in the right place.

65. What’s the difference between me and your couch? I feel better to sit on.
66. Sit on my face, and I’ll eat my way to your heart.

67. Girl, do you have a shovel in that back pocket? ‘Cause I’m digging that ass!
68. Are you a mirror? ‘Cause I can see myself inside you.

69. My dick just died. Can I bury it in your ass?
70. Your legs are like an Oreo Cookie. I wanna split them and eat all the good stuff in the middle.

71. Do you have pet insurance? Because your pussy’s getting smashed tonight.
72. Are you a farm girl? ‘Cause, you sure know how to raise a cock.

73. Touch your toes, and I will show you where the rocket goes!
74. Are you my new boss? Because you just gave me a raise.

75. I hate watching sunsets, but I would love to see you go down.
76. Are you an archaeologist? Because I have a large bone for you to examine.

77. Let’s play carpenter-carpenter. First, we will get hammered, and then I’ll nail you.
78. I might not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you.

79. Are you a doctor? Because you just cured my erectile dysfunction.
80. Let’s play strip poker. You can strip, and I’ll poke you.

81. Wanna play house. You can be the door, and I can slam you all I want.
82. If it’s true that we are what we eat, then I will be you by tomorrow.

83. If I were a balloon, would you blow me?
84. I am not feeling myself today. Can I feel you instead?

85. If I was the judge, I’d sentence you to my bed.
86. Roses are red, and Violets are just fine. So you can be the 6, and I’ll be the 9.

Bonus: Dirty Pick Up Lines That Never Work

The thing about sex pick up lines is that not all of them are bound to work. In that case, what about the dirty pick up lines that will never work – in fact, these can make you lose out on some major brownie points. Scroll down and find out now!

87. If you were a triangle, you’d be a…cute one.
88. Hey, you’re pretty, and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute.

89. I couldn’t help noticing that you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
90. I must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art.

91. Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?
92. Your hand looks heavy—can I hold it for you?

93. Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine?’
94. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?

95. Are you a Wi-Fi hotspot? Because I feel a connection.
96. You are hotter than the bottom of my laptop.

97. Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you.
98. Do you run track? Because I heard you, Relay want this dick.

99. Why wear a bra when you have me holding your boobs up all day?
100. You bring in the friendship, I’ll provide the benefits.

101. I’ll kiss you in the rain so you get twice as wet.
Cleaning Up All The Diritness…It’s A Wrap, Guys!
So that’s about it! Why not use some of these dirty pick up lines and let us know whether these ACTUALLY worked or not? I am interested. Our whole team is interested. Our readers are interested. Then what’s stopping you? Go work your magic today, and let us know about your experiences in the comments below!
Additional Reading:
Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.