Want to know some juicy questions to ask your girlfriend? well, we have just the thing for you. We have brought some of the most popular and juiciest questions that you can ask your girlfriend or long-term partner.
Here we go!
What Are Juicy Questions?🤭🫣
When you guys are in a relationship, you need to ask your girlfriend juicy questions from time to time. These questions can range from deep and romantic to dirty and flirty. These questions keep the fun and ‘juice’ factor alive.

As a result, we are here to educate you on juicy questions to ask your girlfriend and make your rizz factor alive. But before we start, I have divided all the juicy questions into six distinct sections. These sections are deep, fun, romantic, serious, dirty, and flirty.
So, without further ado, let us dive right in.
Deep Juicy Questions To Ask Your Girlfriends🤭
- What Makes You The Happiest?
- What makes you feel satiated or fulfilled?
- What is your idea of a perfect day?
- What could our lives be like in the future?
- What is the worst decision of your life?
- Do you see yourself as a successful individual?
- Do you believe in the idea of soulmates?
- How have your parents impacted your idea about a happy relationship?
- What do you think happens after death?
- What gets you out of bed every day?
- What does friendship mean to you?
- Why is your best friend your best friend?
- What qualities do you look for in your friends?
- Do you think lying is okay in some scenarios?
- What is that one thing you never realized about yourself?
- What is your biggest fear, and can you face it?
- Do you get scared about aging?
- How was your childhood?
- Were you bullied in high school?
- Do you get competitive?
- Whose company do you enjoy the most?
- Career or love?
- Do you validate your feelings with words?
- What is your idea about religion and faith?
- What is your coping mechanism?
- What stresses you out the most?
Fun Juicy Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend😉
- What is your favorite pickup line, and did you use it on me?
- Are you the late one at the airport?
- What is that one hobby you never gave a try?
- What is the worst book you have read?
- Which movie character do you want to be in real life?
- Which fictional town appeals to you the most?
- Do you snore?
- Can you stop snoring?
- Name one holiday tradition you want to start with me
- If you can set one world record, which will it be?
- What is your favorite worst movie of all time?
- Do you want us to light a joint?
- Can we dress up together for halloween?
- What is the one word I cannot pronounce?
- Want to bitch about your boss?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? If yes, then who hurt you?
- What is that one guilty pleasure you are not guilty about?
- Have you ever been arrested for being too drunk?
- One embarrassing moment that you want to forget?
Romantic Juicy Question To Ask Your Girlfriend❤️
- Are you feeling loved?
- What is your love language for the day?
- Do you want me to get you some pizza while coming back?
- Do you know how important you are to me?
- Do you want me to be more vocal about my love?
- Where do you want to vacation next?
- When did you realize you love me?
- What is your vision about our very own house?
- Do you think I am your endgame?
- Do you want me to come over?
- Is my baby feeling fine about herself?
- Want me to make some time for you today?
Serious Juicy Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend😐
- Why did your last relationship end?
- Do you see yourself settling down with me?
- Do you need to know something about my past life?
- What are the financial decisions you want to share?
- Are there any physical boundaries I must know about?
- Are you serious about me?
- Does societal pressure bother you or make you feel encumbered?
- What motivates you?
- Can we make a long-distance relationship work?
- How can I help you with your feelings?
Dirty Juicy Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend😙
- Are you feeling sexy right now?
- What would you do if we did PDA?
- What makes you feel the best in the bedroom?
- Do you have any fantasies that I do not know about?
- Do you wear lingerie?
- Should I get you some lingerie?
- What color panties are you wearing?
- Do you want me to give you head at work right now?
- Should we use more sex toys?
- What do you think our honeymoon sex will be?
- What is that one sexual thing we have not done yet?
- Want to watch some porn together?
- Can I watch it while you shower?
- Can you sit on my face right now?
- What are your thoughts on BDSM?
- Should we try swinging from time to time?
- Can I give you some back rubs?
- Are you a boob guy or a butt guy?
Flirty Juicy Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend😉
- How hard did you fall after looking at me?
- Why are you with me when you can be with anybody who is so much better than me?
- What song makes you think about us?
- What color do I wear more often?
- What was my first date outfit?
- What is your favorite memory from our first few dates?
- What physical feature of mine do you love the most?
- What cologne do I wear?
- Can you define me as your favorite season?
- Will you show me off to your friends?
- What was our first kiss like?
The End
And those were some of the juicy questions to ask your girlfriend or long-term partner. However, the list is an endless one. So, if you want to add some of your own, feel free to do so. Keep following our page for more such content.
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Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.