How soon should you kiss someone?

When you think about it closely enough, kissing may seem complicated. I mean, sure – it’s highly enjoyable for most people. So, how can you become a crowd-pleaser?

Always Ask for Consent

Asking for someone’s consent before getting too intimate with someone, whether it’s a dude or a girl, requesting their consent is important.

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Lean In Slowly

So, you’ve got enthusiastic consent from your partner? Right, then, slowly lean on their lips and give a small peck. DON’T jam your tongue in their throat forcefully.

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Start With Your Mouth Closed

A session of sensual kissing should always start with a closed mouth.

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Slow Build-Up

Truth be told, the build-up of the kiss is more important than anything else. Usually, a slow kiss feels more passionate than a fast-paced one.

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Go With The Flow

You should always be confident and lead the kiss subtly. It’s hot.

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