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A Serial Dater’s 6 Go-To (And Killer) Date Ideas: Affordable, Unique, And Exciting Dates Only! 

A Serial Dater’s 6 Go-To (And Killer) Date Ideas: Affordable, Unique, And Exciting Dates Only! 

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  • The 777 rule of dating says that couples should go out on dates once every 7 days. 
  • Researchers in the UK pointed out that couples who go on routine dates regularly are less likely to split up as compared to the ones who rarely do so.  
  • Planning a date for your partner once a week might get taxing after a point – you are not the only one.  

Sometimes, coming up with a date activity that’s as exciting and unique as your relationship can be just as difficult as finding the right person to take out on that date in the first place.  

Whether you are commuting long distances for work, working long hours, or taking care of older family members, at the end of the day, most of us don’t have any creative juice left to make any plans.  

Moreover, let’s face it – Netflix-and-chill becomes stale after a point, especially if you and your partner have been in a relationship for some time.  

It’s okay to feel strapped for dating ideas while keeping your finances in check – trust us, you are not alone.  

In fact, as per The Harris Poll Thought Leadership Practice’s survey, 7 out of 10 Americans chose activities that were not expensive, like hiking instead of going to some cafe. Moreover, the survey also discovered that 55% were happy to host their date at hate, and even more surprisingly, 44% were ready to go on virtual dates.  

There is a shift from going on a restaurant date to doing something easy and ‘affordable’ – like a picnic date, for instance! Naturally, it becomes difficult to keep up, especially with all the stress that adult life bestows upon us.  

We understand, and we hear you – the Dating Dairy presents 6 unique date ideas! Stay tuned! 

Confessions Of a Serial Dater: 6 Date Ideas to Impress Bae!

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is normal to be anxious about coming up with the perfect date night! Fortunately, we are here to make things somewhat better – but how?  

Thanks to our expert-curated list of date ideas (Hi, we are the serial daters, A.K.A dating experts!), we are here to help you plan.  

Of course, we cannot guarantee chemistry between you and your date or that your date won’t turn out to be a sloppy drinker. But that doesn’t mean we can’t help you to set up for success by coming up with fun, unique, and exciting date activities!  

FYI, there are literally no rules that you need to consider while planning your dates. You can keep it chill, or you can pull off a ‘grand gesture’ – whatever floats your boat (and your partner’s boat as well). 

The good news? The good thing here is the vibe that you are opting for – whether romantic, casual, or something completely over-the-top. So, without waiting any longer, here are 6 best date ideas that are affordable, unique, and exciting!  

Happy dating, and good luck! 

1. Playstation-and-Chill:


So, I was dating this guy a couple of years ago. One day, we had a fight while we were watching a movie together. After staying shut for several minutes, he told me, “Let’s not sulk over this. Let’s just play Mortal Kombat together.” 

I was completely shocked. Why does he want to play Mortal Kombat? What about the movie? What about our fight? Reluctantly, I agreed, and thank God, I did! Because we didn’t stop playing for two hours straight. At the end of two hours, we had completely forgotten about our fight without any hard feelings inside. 

After that day, I went on multiple PlayStation dates where you basically had a blast playing your favorite games with your date. You don’t need to fight first to be on such a date – treat it like any other chill date, and you will be fine! 

PlayStation Games to Check Out for Your Next Date Night:

Our favorite games for date night are as follows: 

  • Mortal Kombat, 
  • Grand Theft Auto, 
  • Resident Evil, 
  • Unravel 2, and 
  • It Takes Two.  

2. But First, Coffee:

But First, Coffee

You are probably thinking, what is so cool about going on a coffee date? I have heard so many people talking about how coffee dates are boring – not necessarily. I think we underestimate the art of a simple coffee date.  

It has crazy first-date potential. 

  • It breaks the ice, 
  • It’s not expensive, 
  • It gives you insight into your date’s personality, 
  • It acts as your moral compass.  

I always start my day with a cup of coffee at work – that way, there is no chance I’ll end up saying something regrettable to a fellow colleague. And the same holds so true for first dates! Also, since coffee dates are starting to disappear from the dating landscape, it’s about time we bring it back into relevance! 

Things To Remember Before Planning a Boring Magical Coffee Date:

Before you plan a coffee date, here’s what you need to remember: 

  • It is literally all about the location you choose for the coffee date. Is it cozy? Is it convenient? Does the place serve good coffee?  
  • Even time plays a vital role! The timing, my friend, is of utmost importance. Nobody likes to wait for their date – so don’t be late! 
  • You also need to remember that you cannot appear on a coffee date, looking like you are all set to go clubbing! It is all about capturing the old-world charm of a no-frills coffee date – don’t forget the essence.  

3. Picnic by the Sea:

Picnic by the Sea

So, my favorite personal date idea is planning a picnic for my partner by the sea! Not only is it very easy to plan a picnic date, but also it is so damn romantic. I mean, it honestly does not get any better than catching some Vitamin D and munching on snacks with your date. Does it? I think not! 

But you cannot just show up to the beach with a blanket and basket and call it a date! Technically, you can, but it is not fun – it is the bare minimum. And in 2024, we are not settling for the bare minimum.  

A picnic date by the sea in 2024 is incomplete without a charcuterie board – it’s all over Instagram, literally.  

The best thing about this board is that you can either purchase one from your closest grocery store or DIY it.  

The nuts, fruits, crackers, and cheeses are filling enough to not get you hungry but light enough at the same time to not make you feel weighed down. Plus, charcuterie boards are made for aesthetic Instagram snaps. 

Essentials That You Must Carry on Your Picnic Date:

The picnic essentials that you should always carry with you are as follows: 

  • Sunscreen, 
  • Portable speakers, 
  • Polaroid camera, 
  • Blanket, and 
  • Something to sit on.  

4. Watch the Sun Set:

Watch the Sun Set

Sunsets are FREE and GOD DAMN BEAUTIFUL. Trust me – watching the sunset with your partner/Tinder date can be a beautiful experience. But I would not recommend going on a sunset date with a Tinder date. I mean, you are meeting for the first time – what if you guys are just not meant to be? 

In that case, a sunset date is probably the worst option for you! But if you are already in a committed relationship and you are looking for something refreshing, then there’s nothing more understated than a sunset date. 

Sunsets are literally nature’s gift – it’s nature’s way of saying, ‘well done’ for going through another exhausting day. It is a moment of contemplation and reflection – an opportunity to share a beautiful moment with someone special. Trust me, there is nothing more romantic than bonding over the sky painted with red, pink, and orange.  

Sunset Date Ideas for Inspiration: 

So, here’s some inspiration to plan your FIRST Sunset date! 

  • A picnic by the sea accompanied by a beautiful sunset. 
  • Go on a nature hike to a scenic spot and enjoy a beautiful sunset with your partner.  
  • Find a rooftop bar and watch the sunset together while sipping cocktails (also, don’t forget to wear that sundress!) 

5. Drive-In-Cinema:


Come on, there is something so rustic, so pure, and so romantic about going to a drive-in theatre together. Just like the beauty of a ‘boring’ coffee date or watching a sunset together, drive-in-movie dates are gradually disappearing – and so are drive-in theatres.  

See Also
Picnic Date idea

But we must keep these alive – not because modernity is a bane, but because it is so cozy and nostalgic.  

As per a survey done by the GW blog, Gen Z was the most nostalgic generation, closely followed by millennials. During the survey, 15% of Gen Z said they liked thinking about the past more. Similarly, 14% of millennials said they are obsessed with the past and not the present.  

I don’t think there is anything more nostalgic than watching a movie in a theatre – it can never beat Netflix. Yes, Netflix is convenient. But while planning a date, it’s not about convenience but about effort.  

Plus, you can watch an old film, munch on some nachos, and seal the date with a sly kiss – so perfect, just like those first dates during high school.  

Movies To Watch at a Drive-in-Theatre:

Here are our favorite picks for a drive-in-movie date! 

  • Psycho, 
  • Rush Hour, 
  • Back to the Future, 
  • The Evil Dead, 
  • Jurassic Park, and 
  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. 

6. A ‘Supervised’ Spooky Date:

A ‘Supervised’ Spooky Date

It doesn’t have to be Halloween to go on a spooktacular date with your boo! It could be just another date – and no, it’s not going to end up like how Blair Witch Project ended.  

I mean, you literally don’t have to explore some abandoned building with ghost stories, alone and unsupervised, with only your partner as company. Also, if you just met, then that’s really weird! 

With supervised ghost tours gaining popularity gradually, it is about time we start considering ghost tours as a date idea! My colleague (Ankita Tripathy, 27 – fellow writer) has actually gone on multiple supervised spooky tours, and guess what? She literally took five of her Bumble dates on such tours.  

In fact, she told me – it was a bonding experience. Two of her dates converted into actual relationships, and one converted into a friendship she is ready to keep for the rest of her life. I think that it’s pretty cool, and I am planning to give it a try soon – what about you?  

The Best Spooky Date Night Ideas:

Ghost tours are not your only option; if you are looking for some spooky date ideas – here’s some more! 

  • Head over to an escape room together.  
  • Have a horror movie marathon and cuddle together.  
  • Get lost inside a corn maze. 
  • Check out a pumpkin patch together.  
  • Go on a weekend tour and explore a haunted town or an abandoned city.  

Move Over Netflix-And-Chill Dates!

We don’t have anything against Netflix, but it was about time we stopped glorifying the platform as the ultimate date activity. Also, if you are looking for date ideas, then Netflix-and-chill is kinda redundant, considering it means something completely different.  

Interestingly, Netflix did a study on the whole ‘Netflix-and-chill’ concept. As per the study, 72% of the subjects said that watching Netflix with their significant other is a part of their casual date night. In fact, 58% of respondents also said that Netflix was a great way to bond with their partners.  

All that sounds great, but don’t you think it’s pretty common? Watching a movie with your boyfriend at your home while having dinner sounds comforting and exactly what we like. But that doesn’t mean we are going to call it a date.  

So, we did not talk about how you should just play Netflix on your date night. Instead, watch Netflix with your SO every day – but it’s not really a date night activity! Yep, so forget about Netflix and chill. Instead, we have the BEST chill date ideas for your next date!  

TBH: Netflix-and-chill sounds perfect for a casual day with your partner. But we have been hearing about it for so long that it makes sense to look beyond Netflix. 

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