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10 Super-Sexy Ways To Turn On Your Partner

10 Super-Sexy Ways To Turn On Your Partner

10 Super-Sexy Ways To Turn On Your Partner
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“I want to taste you again, like a secret or a sin.”

People think that it takes a lot to turn a guy or a girl on, but it really doesn’t. The smallest of things are responsible for turning someone on, you won’t have to go above and beyond.

But these little things can be quite tricky to get just right. So if you wanna know these kinky and romantic turn ons, then you have to sit tight. Because to turn someone on, you need to build up the situation, or else the mood will totally be gone.

Now we have your attention, hang on tightly, as we have a long list of what turn ons are great for both men and women. To know them, too, keep on scrolling through the article.

Turn Ons For Him: How To Turn A Guy On?

“A day with you is a perfect day. Especially when we’re in bed.”

I would like to believe that all of you know what exactly are turn ons, if not, then they are little things that you do to make your partner want you more. So here we are gonna start with the things that turn ons of a guy.

1. Playing With Your Hair

Playing With Your Hair

When it comes to turning on a guy, they love anything you do with your hair. So if you play with your hair in front of him, then he won’t be able to resist that. And that is exactly what you need to do to turn him on.

2. Putting Your Hair Up

Putting Your Hair Up

As I said before, anything to do with hair and his eyes is on you, so take that to your advantage when it comes to turning your man on.

3. Playing With His Hair

Right at the beginning, there aren’t many scopes of touching him, so what you can do is touch his hair, if he doesn’t mind, and That is a great way of making him aware of your intentions, however naughty they are.

4. Biting Your Lower Lip

Biting Your Lower Lip

“I get butterflies when you grab my ass and kiss me.”

One of the most suggestive things you can do is to bite your lips, there are only two ways he can take that action, either he’s gonna think it’s hot or it’s cute. Either way, he is hooked on Babe!

5. Making Eye Contact

Making Eye Contact

Guys do like a girl who is confident in herself that is a strong aphrodisiac for both guys and girls. And the best way to show him your confidence is to maintain eye contact with him.

Especially when he is talking, look at him straight, it will make him feel that you are really interested in him.

6. Smiling


A little smirk, a grin, or a friendly smile has a lasting effect on him. He feels appreciated and special in your presence.

7. Taking Your Jacket Off

To get him in the mood, you don’t have to get naked all the way, but if you are wearing layers, then opening jackets are turn ons for him. He won’t be able to resist that, he is in the mood now.

8. Dancing


When the two of you are dancing, it is a great way to touch each other, and that is a huge turn on for him. He will get turned on even seeing you dancing and grooving to the beats.

9. Stretching

When the mood is hot, anything you do will do the trick and turn him on.

10. Squeezing His Hands

“I know I’m a handful, but that’s why you’ve got two hands.”

While you are talking with your man and the conversation is moving towards an emotional one, then reassure him that you are right there. Just hold his hand and give it a light squeeze. That is a great way to turn him on in the most vulnerable way.

Turn Ons For Her: How To Turn A Woman On?   

“When you are ready for fireworks instead of sparklers, I will come for you.”

Guys, if you wanna know what they are, the turn ons for girls, then you need to pay attention to your ladies. But just in case, if you are desperate to try some things out for her, then I can help you with that.

1. Making Her Favorite Food

Making Her Favorite Food

Girls get turned on seeing a man who knows how to cook. Cooking is like creating something out of nothing, and that is quite hot and sexy. So you can give that a try if you want to.

2. Raising An Eyebrow

Raising An Eyebrow

If you know how to raise an eyebrow, then that is a great way to turn her on immediately. That is a sure shot way of getting her number at the end of the night or the next morning.

3. Smiling

Smiling in bed

“Every day I wake up smiling. And it’s all because of you.”

When it comes to girls, sometimes the little things are the best turn ons, so if you just smile at her in a genuine way, then that would be enough as well.

4. Complimenting Her

 Complimenting Her

Well, a compliment goes a long way if it is well-intentioned and genuine. If you are just flattering her just for the sake of then, then it’s not gonna work out for you, man.

5. Playing With Her Hair 

Playing With Her Hair 

As I said before, playing with each other’s hair is a great way to turn each other on. So playing with each other’s hair are great turn ons for her and for him as well.

See Also

6. Putting Jewelry On Her

Putting Jewelry On Her

Helping her to put on pieces of jewelry is a great turn on for her. She sees you as a very loving and caring human being who cares for her.

7. Hugging Her From Behind 

“That wasn’t sex. It was naked poetry.”

Hugs are a great way to comfort, and, at the same time, it’s a great turn on when you gently hug her from behind. She feels protected, secure, safe, and loved at the same time.

8. Massaging Her Shoulders

Massaging Her Shoulders

Girls just love o get massages, so if you have that magic in your hands, then use it on her, at least on her shoulders at first. This form of physical contact is really special and a big turn on for her.

9. Making Her Coffee In The Morning 

If you wanna turn her on even when you are living together, then it is a great thing to bring her fresh coffee in the morning. This has nothing to do with sex or any physical touch, but you will remain in her head the rest of the day.

10. Saying “I Love You” 

“Your touch is poetry I want to write.”

Even if you don’t think that is a big deal about it, just saying I love you and actually meaning it is a great way to turn her on. To turn her on, it’s all about the little things.

Turn Offs For Him   

There are a lot of ways you can turn him off, and here is a whole list of things that will instantly turn off his mood.

  1. Long Fingernails  
  1. Poor Hygiene 
  1. Nagging Or Talking Too Much  
  1. Flirting With Other Men 
  1. Eating With Your Mouth Open  
  1. Being Mean And Bitchy  
  1. Wearing Too Much Perfume  
Flirting With Other Men
  1. Discussing Ex-Boyfriends  
  1. Being Too ‘Handsy’ In Public  

10. Baby Talk And Calling Him Pet Names In Public

Turn Offs For Her  

Here are a list of things that will instantly turn off her mood. So go through them to avoid them.

  1. Being Pompous And Cocky 
  1. Being Dumb  
  1. Being Selfish  
  1. Poor Taste In Footwear  
  1. Bad Driver  
  1. Too Aggressive During Sex 
  1. Being A Pushover  
  1. Being Boring  
  1. Being Uncircumcised And Not Manscaping  

10. Being Insecure Or Oversensitive.  

Wrapping Up!  

Now that you fully comprehend what are the turn ons for both gender then you can try these out to see their reactions of them. So if you liked this article then make sure to give us a like and comment down below to let us know the after effect.

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