Want to know how to flirt with a girl? Well, this is the article you must be looking out for. We curated a list of tips that will help you flirt with a girl in public as well as in person. So, without further ado, let us dive right in.
How To Flirt With A Girl In-Person

Flirting is an art. It is like dancing the tango. You cannot go too hard. Or let it slack off. You have to be precise and perfect in its execution, or you are falling flat on your face. But do not worry; we are here to help you master the art of flirting. First, we will discuss some tips on how to flirt with a girl in person.
Be confident
One of the very first things that you need to do while flirting with a person is to look and feel confident. Even if your palms are sweaty or you are frazzled to the core, just fake it. Try not to show the vulnerable side of yours unless that is your rizz. I mean, some females do enjoy awkward flirts, but the chances are slim. So do not take them. Also, if you exude confidence, you give off a different kind of vibe, which females find attractive.
Look & Feel Your Best
Trust me, every human being is attractive. You have got what it takes to impress females. However, you need to clean up a little. I know how that sounds, but good hygiene is one of the most attractive traits out there. A man who engages in self-care every now and then is way more attractive than a man whose only self-care is the soap that he uses to wash every part of his body. Wash, trim, moisturize, and use cologne. Just follow this simple four-step self-care to look and feel your best.
Introduce With A Smile
Always remember that your smile is your best feature. I know being the sullen doomer is your kinda jam. But, trust me, that does not work out all the time. And especially with a girl, you are going out on a date for the first time. As you walk up to her, greet her with a smile. Make her feel warm and fuzzy about the whole deal. However, do not force a smile, as that looks weird. Be organic and smile.
Give Her A Genuine Compliment
Females love it when we acknowledge their effort to dress up. Try to pique her interest and compliment her on how good she looks. However, this is a risky water. Even though you should start off with a compliment, do not make it weird. Do not be very specific and bring up things that are not needed. Be general, courteous, and chivalrous. Say things like, ‘Your hair looks amazing’, ‘Nice shoes, is it Nike?”, etc. Avoid saying things like, “You have nice lips”, “That dress complements your body”, etc. Be a gentleman and not a creep.
Ask Questions But Do not Be Intrusive
We all want to be with somebody who loves us beyond the surface. I mean, that is the most basic thing a person can expect from somebody. I am not saying that the person you are going on a date is your life partner, but I do not see a point in not making her feel good. Apart from the date, ask her questions about her work life. What does she do? Where did she study? What is your favorite thing about this bar? Questions like these open up different avenues of conversation, which is an essential part of getting the next date or a number.
Maintain Eye Contact & Listen
A person feels like he or she is being listened to when you look at them. So, maintain strong eye contact and make it apparent that you cannot take your eyes off of them. This is a great way of announcing that you are interested in her. If she is talking about something important, look directly at her. This will make her feel validated, and you will become a master flirt.
How To Flirt With A Girl Over Text

Texting is a huge deal when it comes to flirting. I mean, apart from that first date, you will spend most of the next few days texting each other. While there is no harm if you decide to keep this back-and-forth generic. But why be generic when you can be really good at flirting over text?
Here are a few bonus tips on how to flirt with a girl over text. Let us go!
Like & Comment On Social Media Posts
If you follow the girl you like on social media, you need to make sure that she knows about your presence. The best way to do this is by liking and commenting on her posts. If she has put up a new picture, add a small comment saying, ‘cute outfit’, ‘looking good’, etc. Soon, you will see that she is responding back. But keep your comments moderated, and do not be overzealous. Otherwise, you will come off as a desperate creep. And you do not want that.
Send Her Memes
Once you get her attention, it is time that you start cashing in on it. Try sending her memes and videos that you find amusing. This will help you to keep her engaged and amused. It will also help you to share your sense of humor and let her in. But, if she does not respond to you positively or reply often. Stop trying. She is not interested, and you should move on.
Closing Thought
And with that, we have reached the guide on how to flirt with a girl in person as well as over text. If you think we made a good list, do let us know and keep following our page for similar content. Till then, keep hustling and try to be amazing in your flirting game.
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Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.