Sex is good, but then have you ever texted a flattering snap of yourself in that new bra mid-Netflix binge, from the very comfort of your room to someone on Snapchat, only to find them sexting you back something really hot – so hot that you have to pause your SATC binge for a fast vibrator break?
Do you know what’s better? To do this while knowing at the back of your mind how your snaps will disappear for sure!
Welcome to Dating Dairy’s take on Snapchat sexting. For the ones who want to sext freely without stressing about their nudes floating somewhere on the internet, Snapchat is the answer to your prayers.
But did you know there are EXIST certain hacks that can make the content you share on Snapchat so much more permanent beyond the natural parameters of the application?
Keeping that in mind, we are here to help you ensure that while you are engaging in some harmless Snapchat sexting, how to be safe and make the most of it. Stay tuned to find out more.
But Before That, Here’s Why Snapchat Sexting Is The Best Way To Sext:
Snapchat is very popular as a medium for sexting in 2023. Here’s why!
1. You Can Do It Anywhere:
The best thing about sexting on Snapchat is you can do it literally anywhere with its new feature that enables users to share pre-saved snaps that will disappear automatically once seen. That way, you can be in the queue for the dentist’s room and still sext with your crush.
2. What Happens In Snapchat, Stays In Snapchat:
We will elaborate on that one. When you are sexting pictures of yourself to your crush on other mediums, your crush can always go back and check those photos out, even when they are no longer your crush.
But on Snapchat, the snaps exist in real-time and are just ‘lost,’ making the whole thing safer and so much hotter. You are not just being safe, but you can also leave your crush wanting for more.
How To Do Snapchat Sexting Like a Pro?
It doesn’t matter whether you are into gay Snapchat sexting or you are just playing on both sides of the field, what actually matters here is how you can engage in some harmless sexting on the platform like a pro!
So, without wasting time, scroll down to find out how to do Snapchat sexting like a pro!
1. Ensure That The Receiving Person Is Someone You Trust:
Before you start looking for some Snapchat sexting usernames, it’s vital to ensure that you are sexting with someone you trust.

Yes, Snapchat’s beauty is whenever someone screenshots your snaps, you will immediately get notified. But that might not turn out to be helpful if the receiving person is someone random and doesn’t care that you will be notified, for example.
Moreover, there are certain sneaky ways to save photos – like taking a photo of the snap from another phone, for example.
2. Always Give A Heads-Up:
Of course, you don’t need to google ‘Snapchat sexting free’ since it is absolutely FREE. But when you are about to start sexting on the platform, it’s always practical to give a heads-up to the receiver.

Come on, nobody likes unsolicited nudes – it just isn’t cool. But let’s say your boundaries with the person is always the green light for some sexy selfies – in that case, a small heads-up can go a really long way.
If they are not used to receiving your innocuous Snaps while they are at work, then they might open these nudes up unknowingly right next to their colleague. So, shooting a disclamatory text beforehand is always a good idea.
3. New To Snapchat? Send Out Some Regular Photos First!
One of the primary risks of using Snapchat instead of normal texting is that there is a relatively higher possibility of accidentally sending your dirty snaps on your Story or maybe even the wrong username.

If you are new to the platform, it is always safer to just do a normal test run and just send a normal snap to Bae. This way, you can ensure that they – and just they – get those snaps.
4. Do You Know That Actual Messages Can Be Saved?
While you are already looking for sexy Snapchat usernames, did you know that actual messages can be saved on Snapchat?

If you enjoy Snapchat sexting via words, then you know that your dirty texts will disappear automatically as well. But the receiver can just tap on your messages and save them.
In case that does happen and you don’t want your sexting magnum opus saved in someone’s Snapchat history, then you will just need to have a talk with the person on the receiving end to unsave the same.
These texts do not disappear until both of you unsave them – JUST SO YOU KNOW!
5. Cropping Is Your Best Friend:
A good sexting finder is not your horny personality’s best friend. Instead, cropping is your best friend. If there is any part of you that feels absolutely weird about making your face a part of Snapchat sexting, you are always at liberty to just take a snap of your body.

Strategically, you will be able to leave out any identifying details, such as a birthmark or tattoo.
6. Have Some Fun With The Filters:
Arguably, perhaps the best possible reason for sexting on Snapchat is the crazy filter section. Whether you decide to be full-on weird with some crazy lenses or just look cute with a doe-eyed bunny filter, filters just make this whole experience so much better.

You will have to hit the arrows located in the top-right corner of the Snapchat camera, then you will just need to click on the small circular button on the camera button’s right. Et voilà.
7. In Case You Need To Block Someone…
If you do receive unsolicited dirty snaps or messages or face any kind of harassment from someone, then you will just need to navigate to the ‘Friends’ section on the platform. If your account is in camera mode, then it will be shaped like a normal text bubble on the bottom left corner.

Then, you will just have to find the person and simply swipe right on their username. And then, without thinking twice, hit the block button.
How To Get Him In Mood For Some Snapchat Sexting:
It might sound silly that a hot photo can change your sex life – but one photo can actually change the dynamics between you and your crush forever.
If you have been eyeing a hot guy for some weeks and wondering how to get into his pants, it’s better to pregame with some harmless Snapchat sexting instead of actually hooking up with him. Plus, that way, he will come chasing you – you don’t have to chase him to appease your hormones. He will come back for more, and we will teach you how.
Stay tuned and find out how you can get him in the mood for the sexting Snapchat game!
1. Find Out What Turns Him On:
While engaging in harmless Snapchat sexting, you have to find out what your sexting partner likes, as well as what he doesn’t like. For instance, you might not find your waist hot – but your sexting mate can actually be super turned on by your waist.

It’s similar to writing a blog – do we really need to write about what we like, or is it about what our audience enjoys reading? It’s always about what our audience enjoys reading. Similarly, think about what turns your partner on, and take snaps that will turn him on.
2. Find Your Best Angles:
Without knowing your best angles, you can’t possibly shoot a free Snapchat sext. Instead, you need to fiddle with your device camera, shift the same around, and eventually take several practice shots before you start sending your snaps to your sexting partner.

Just to make things easier, it is best to stand right in front of your mirror and find out which are your best angles. Then, just get into the same positions, take your device out, and start clicking.
3. Be Confident:
Confidence can make anything sexy – naturally, it is the confidence that makes the whole sexting on Snapchat game stronger. If you happen to be really shy and nervous, it will come across your texts.

And lack of confidence can actually ruin the whole fun – it’s not even about the snaps. Instead, the whole sexting game, in general, becomes awkward. So, just be confident – send that snap with pride.
4. Don’t Just Send…Tease:
If you do want to make the most of Snapchat sexting, then just be a complete tease; Generally, teasing can get a little annoying, but in the case of using Snapchat, it is even better. Send little snaps that will drop some hints about what you are about to send next.

Perhaps, a loose strap, or just the panty line, or even the panties on the bedroom floor are all sexy instances. Keep them thinking about what’s happening behind the scenes.
5. Start With An Innocent Snap:
If you are going to tease him and get him into the mood, it’s always a good idea to start with an innocent snap. You know – first, send an innocent snap as if you didn’t intend for sexting to happen.

But now that it’s happening, you are the shy damsel who is up for it – yep, it does sound a little like practicing role-play activities like degrading kink or even the exact opposite such as the praise kink.
6. Make It A Surprise:
Perhaps, the best thing about Snapchat sexting is how spontaneous it can be when you think about it.
You can easily surprise your partner by sharing a snap with them when they are least expecting it. Do not tell them what is coming – just snap and then share without any text.
7. Play With Video:
If you start to feel adventurous, instead of taking a hot snap with a flirty caption, just record a teasing video with you talking about what turns you on loudly. Seriously, it doesn’t matter what you say – just keep it flirty, teasing, and hot!
In case it starts to feel nerve-wracking or too overwhelming, then you can stick to something simple like ‘I can’t seem to get yesterday out of my head’ or ‘I have a surprise for you.’
8. Don’t Forget To Take A Sexy Selfie:
People usually get plain shit for taking selfies. It’s bull shit, really, considering there is nothing really wrong with being happy about how great you look. Just figure out your hottest poses, click a few hot snaps, and share them with your partner or crush.
One idea we really like? If you want him to dig your ‘a.m. bedhead look,’ then share a morning selfie with a cute caption ‘#justwokeup,’ and set the stage!
Snapchat Sexting: Hot Examples To Initiate A Sexting Session
There’s no point groaning on and on about how to be a pro at Snapchat sexting. Instead, welcome to our favorite section – the hottest examples to initiate a long sexting session on Snapchat!
So, without wasting time, here we go!
1. I just stepped out of the shower.
2. You have no clue how much I adore your body.
3. Don’t you know how hot you are?
4. If we were together right now, what would you do?
5. I just can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about all the things we could have done to each other if you were just here.
6. Just over here thinking about you naked…and boy, don’t I like what I am seeing!
7. I miss going down on you and watching you cum.
8. I watched Fifty Shades of Grey last night. Watching the girl getting tied up turned me on and made me so horny.
9. Let’s plan a ‘who’s better’ contest but in bed. That way, I’m ready to be a sore loser.
10. Sleeping naked feels good, but sleeping naked with you is so much better.
11. The most productive thing that I have done today is picture you naked all day.
12. It’s been a long, long day. Just put your mouth where your mind has already reached.
13. I am in bed. And you are probably in bed, too. The thing is, it is probable that one of you is obviously in the wrong place.
14. It’s so hot outside. There’s nothing better than a cold shower on a hot day – except, well, hot sex on a really cold day.
15. I just want to throw you on the kitchen table and tell you I am so freaking ready for dinner.
16. Get your mouth down there right now and make me smile.
17. I am not feeling good. Why don’t you just do my face and call me beautiful?
18. If you start kissing my neck right now, you cannot blame me for what happens between us next.
19. I want you – your body pressed against mine. Your smell, warmth. Your fingers wrapped around my waist. The taste of your mouth. I really need you.
20. I love my bed. But I would rather be in your bed with you right now.
21. I want you to kiss me. And by kissing me, I mean I want all of you. The quick rhythm of your beating heart. Your breath as it breathes into me.
22. Darling, don’t you actually know I have got so much for you underneath my clothes?
23. I want you to wear my legs like a belt around your waist. I want you to wear me out like your favorite shirt.
24. I just don’t want you to kiss me. I want you to claim ownership.
25. I have a lot of sex with you inside my head. It’s about time we make it real.
And It’s A Wrap!
And it’s a wrap on Snapchat sexting. As long as you are not sharing unsolicited nudes with random people on Snapchat and sexting in a safe environment, you are REALLY making the most of Snapchat. After all, the privacy on Snapchat is perhaps one of the best factors behind the platform’s rise to popularity.
But do tell us what are your thoughts on sexting on Snapchat. While sharing your thoughts, feel free to tell us about your experiences and stories related to Snapchat sexting in the comments below.
Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.