Are you afraid that maybe your girlfriend is cheating on you? This is the hardest feeling that anyone can have, but you are not the only one. This is the cruelest and worst thing that you can expect from your girlfriend. There is a myth that girls don’t cheat, while the truth is cheating on a girlfriend does exist. But the number of “my girlfriend cheated on me” is comparatively less than “my boyfriend cheated on me.”
There are some characteristics of a cheating woman that will help you to catch your girlfriend cheating on you. Here I will let you know the signs of a cheating GF.
Top 10 Signs Of A Cheating Girlfriend
Here are the top 10 signs that will help you to catch your cheating girlfriend.
1. A Sudden Change In Her Schedule

As they say, time changes, work changes, people also change. You will notice a sudden change in her schedule. You may notice that she suddenly has an appointment with her dentist or oculist once every week. Being a boyfriend, you should have an idea of at which time your girlfriend goes to work and come back, or in case she is having any health issues.
Your cheating girlfriend may also come up with some sudden plans of vising her friends or relatives. There will also be instances when it will be true, but if not, you should worry a little. Pay attention to all these early signs.
2. She Starts Dressing More Fashionably
Is your girl has started taking more care of her? Has she started having more fashionable and sexier clothes in her wardrobe? Well, being a girl, she will definitely love to doll up. But there should be a reason behind it.
In case she tells you the reason, there is nothing to worry about, but if she avoids the question or does not give any satisfying answer, then there may be someone that your cheating girlfriend has to impress. And if no one is there, then why is she dressing up more fashionably?
3. She Seems Distracted

So you are missing the girl that you fell in love with. You may notice she avoids making eye contact with you in any conversation. Is she not being attentive to your talks and seems distracted? It is because she is trying to distance you from her. This will make things easier when she decides to finally leave you.
If she is cheating on you, your cheating girlfriend will try to disconnect with you in many ways. In case she does not have the guts to end things, she will also push you away in order to make things easier for you to call off. There will always be a reason why she is pushing you away.
4. She Is Keeping Her Phone Away From You
You should not check her phone without her permission. This is what gentlemen do. But in case she is taking extra care of her phone, then maybe you should worry about your relationship.
When I am saying “extra care,” I mean to say, cheating girlfriend is protecting her phone with password protection or is not leaving the phone on the table just for a few seconds. You will also get to see some more actions that will make you think something is cooking. You can directly ask her why there is a sudden change has happened.
5. She Goes Missing For Hours
Another sudden thing that you will notice on your cheating girlfriend. And that is you will find her phone switch off for longer hours, or she will not pick up your calls. These things can sometimes happen, which is totally normal.
Here you can just ask her the reason, and she will tell you. But in case these kinds of actions become repetitive and she also does not give you any particular reason, then you may need to be a little more cautious. There is a chance that she is cheating on you.
6. Suddenly She Becomes More Into Your Whereabouts
Suddenly is she more interested in where you are going and how much time it will take to come back? Well, there can be two instances either she is doubting you are cheating on her, or she is cheating on you.
Your cheating girlfriend just needs to make sure that your time is not clashing with the time she has planned to spend with her mystery man, and she can be relaxed with him.
7. She Will Start Hiding Things From You
Do not get annoyed or irritated if a girl shares everything with you, rather start worrying if she starts hiding things from you. Maybe this is the moment when your relationship is standing in the red zone. In case you caught her hiding something or telling lies about with whom she is with or has been.
You need to start trusting your gut feelings here. The human body has an amazing capability of discriminating the truth in other people. So, trust your gut feeling and ask her directly what is the reason behind all these hide-and-seek and lies. This is another way to identify your cheating girlfriend.
8. She Becomes Too Busy For You
There was a time when she can not spend a single day without seeing you, and now she is avoiding meeting with you even for more days. Then maybe there is someone who is taking more care of her or your cheating girlfriend is into someone.
In case you are experiencing that, she is too busy for you and barely even spending time with you for the first time in your long-term relationship. There has to be something that keeping her busy suddenly and the chances of being with someone else are high here. If you really love her and do not want to lose her, pay attention to all those things.
9. Lack of Physical and Emotional Intimacy

Women are always into emotional intimacy, and somehow, they appreciate that. Emotional intimacy is something they look for; that is how they connect. So, if she is getting distant, and not looking for emotional intimacy, then there is someplace else where she is getting it from.
Physical intimacy is an important part of any relationship. Just like that emotional contact, you need to crave that physical contact as well. That is a basic part of being in a relationship. If that is missing in a relationship, then there is something definitely wrong.
When that physical connection, that emotional connection, is missing from your girlfriend’s part; then it is likely that she is getting it from somewhere else. Or she could simply be not just that into you anymore.
10. She Talks About the Future in a Different Way
You might often notice that she is striking the word “I” more than “we.” Previously, it was our plans, or everything was related to “us,” but now everything is related more to her. The plans have changed; from planning a trip together, she is more into solo trips.
She might be comforting you, saying that this is just her trying to explore herself, or she does not want to be selfish about these plans, but this is how things are turning out to be. However, there could be an underlying reason for this.
There is a possibility that she is cheating on you. This is one of the things that start to change when there is a third person in between the two of you. The future plans change.
11. Avoiding Contact
It is obvious that you both are busy all through the day with your own work and want to have some quality time after coming back home, even if it is just through video calling or a normal phone call.
Everything was going smoothly, and now things start to change suddenly. She does not have time for you, or she is too tired to pick up the call or bring back her work with her and is still busy doing it.
When you want to meet, she already has some previous engagements or is too busy to meet you. She responds less to your messages and there is no specific reason behind that. Either she is not comfortable, or she is feeling guilty.
12. She is Easily Annoyed With You

There is something weird about cheaters. They find whatever they are doing is rational and there is nothing wrong with their behavior. They have a justification in their mind ready. For instance, she might have explained to herself that she is not getting enough attention from you or you are treating her badly.
And that is the reason why she is cheating on you. But how will you figure this out? The biggest sign is that she gets angry with you about small things. So, when you notice this change, pay attention and observe if there are some other signs as well.
Final Words
There can be some instances when your doubts are baseless, so it will be best if you ask your girlfriend in case you have any doubts. But you also need to pay attention to those things cheaters say when confronted. Your gut feeling will tell you if you have a cheating girlfriend, and now you also know the obvious signs that a cheating girlfriend will have.
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Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.