‘You are just too good to be true; I can’t take my eyes off you….’
The legendary Franki Valli tune makes sense right now, doesn’t it?
Since the beginning of time, we have not been able to find a concrete reason for us to get so heavily infatuated with someone that we cannot think about anyone else but them.
The way they walk!
The way they talk!
The way their nose wrinkles when they sneeze!
Yes, even that!
Then there is their hair, their dressing sense, the number of beauty spots on their face, and their smile! 💓
You put them on a pedestal, and suddenly they become these godly beings, like some celestial body.
You are clearly not the first person to ask how to attract your crush.
So, you are here to know how to get your crush to like you; then, this is the first thing that you need to stop.
Yes, stop putting them on a pedestal and bring them down!
Okay next…
This is not some game with rules and protocols where you can win by following a few simple steps.
Thus, you are in the right place if you are here because you are trying to help yourself.
Then sit back and take notes!
I mean, literally, take out a pen and a notebook and take notes.
What Does It Feel Like To Have A Crush

Before you find out how to make your crush like you.
The main question is-
How do you know it is a crush!
Well, now that we are here –
Let us look through the scientific definition first.
It all depends on the neurotransmitters secreted in your body, and it depends on the stage of the crushing you are currently in.
Let us start with the first thing you feel when you are around your crush!
So, before asking how you get your crush to like you, understand whether you really like them or not.
Believe it or not, your infatuation for someone always starts with a physical attraction. This is due to the secretion of Estrogen and Testosterone when they are around.
This is the excitement that you feel when you see them. Even if you are not talking to them, you will always want to be around them. The hormones associated are Dopamine and Serotonin.
The final part of the crush is definitely getting a soul-crushing attachment, which makes you not think about anything else but them.
Oxytocin and Vasopressin are the two hormones that are to be blamed. They keep you up all night and wonder how to attract your crush.
Before you ask how to make your crush likes you, notice if these things are happening!
– It is about noticing every little detail about them!
– It is about seeing them like these heroic figures who are incapable of any wrong!
– It is about daydreaming about them without even realizing it!
– It is also about stalking them for hours on social media!
They take your sleep, disrupt your entire life, and yet you want to be around them-
Maybe that is why they are called a crush!
That is why it is important for you to get some insights on how to get your crush to like you.
How To Get Your Crush To Like You
This might look like I am giving you a full-proof plan, but these are mere suggestions that you can try as they can break the ice a little.
To begin with –
1. Talk To Them 🤗

How to make your crush like you?
Use those magical devices you call lips and talk to them!
There is no way you can either know them or introduce your charming personality to them without any conversation.
So, take that first plunge of courage and send them the first text or that first follow request. Because without these steps, you wouldn’t even know whether you should continue with your efforts.
2. Be Yourself 👀

Want to know how to get your crush to like you?
Do not try to be someone else!
There is nothing more impressive or sexy than confidence!
You will never be able to get your crush’s attention if you are trying to imitate other personalities.
– First, if they are wise, they will see right through that pretense.
– Second, even if you are able to get them with the help of these superficial tactics, this is not a binding method that is supposed to last.
No one is asking you to be your unfiltered self as of now, but even if the outside is polished, make sure it’s you and not someone else.
3. Make Your Gestures Subtle 🎯

Yes, subtle gestures are the winner!
Whether you are trying to complement their looks, gently flirting, or simply having some deep conversations with them.
Obsessive behaviors will take you nowhere!
Over here, if you are asking how to get your crush to like you, patience is definitely the key, and you must remember that.
4. Weaponize Your Skills 🏆

If you have some mind-blowing skills which can easily impress any crowd, then you should definitely weaponize them.
So, wondering how to make your crush like you; well, use those skills.
Your skills give you a leg up!
This is an excellent way to show them that they are special.
– Sing them a song.
– Make them read your eternal words of unrequited love.
– Bake them a cake,
Skills are there for a reason; use them!
5. Try To Find Their Interests 🎼

We are not asking you to learn about their favorite band, their favorite movie, or the author they love to read; and memorize everything about them.
This is a great ice breaker for conversation!
You can learn about their interests, and they can learn about yours. A great way to start when you are asking how to get your crush to like you back.
6. Take Care Of Them 😘

Along with showing your fun and eccentric side, you must also show how caring you are!
This will give them a sense of warmth and comfort.
Maybe they are yearning for that from someone!
It is your job to show them how good of a partner you can be. So, look out for their needs.
Try to understand when they are upset and let them know that you are there for them.
7. Listen! 👂

If you want to know how to get your crush to like you?
You have to understand their thoughts as well!
There is nothing more charming than someone being there for you!
Someone is trying to understand your problems and listening for hours without judgment. Be that ‘knight in shining armor for your potential love interest, and they will know-
Choosing you is a wise decision!
8. Sometimes Share Your Flaws 💑

No, you do not have to share every vulnerable detail of your life!
However, perfection is never beautiful! So, sometimes when you are asking how to attract your crush.
– Who knows…maybe showing your subtle flaws can automatically make you more attractive.
This will also give them a sense of comfort in sharing some of their stories. It is these deep moments that will bring you two even closer.
9. Maintain Eye Contact! 💯

Maintaining steady eye contact with a subtle smirk on your lips does make you look sexy!
This can imply two things!
– You are confident.
– You cannot stop staring at their eyes.
If you sense a hint of shyness, your work is done.
10. When The Time Is Right – Don’t Be Afraid To Confess 💟

Maybe they have an interest in you, but they are just afraid to confess!
So, if you know how to get your crush to like you, you understand whether the job is already done.
Maybe they want the first words to come from you!
How will you know if you do not take the plunge?
Therefore, when you warm up the situation a little. The two of you have had a few conversations, and you are close now.
Tell them about your interest!
Ask them out!
Yes, the thought could be jarring, but even if you are up for rejection, you should know that sooner than later.
How To Know If Someone Is Interested 🤔

When you are thinking about rejection, know that there is a possibility!
Therefore, before you ask how to attract your crush, you must look for these signs which subtly prove that the feelings are mutual.
To begin with!
– They are also listening when you talk.
– They are having late-night conversations with you.
– You have caught them staring a few times.
– They always try to be near you.
– They laugh at your jokes, even if they are not funny.
– You find them caring for you.
– They try to share your interest.
– They are trying to understand your silence.
If you find yourself checking even a few out of these eight-pointers, you have your destiny’s blessing to go for it.
Frequently Asked Question
Here are some of the frequently asked questions which I often discover over the internet.
Ans: If you have one of those young loves and want to impress someone in middle school, then here is what you need to do.
– Invite them to your house.
– Share your lunch with them.
– Dance with them at a school dance.
– Make friends with your crush’s friends.
Ans: Here are a few things you can start a conversation with.
– Music.
– Movies.
– Books.
– Bands.
– Philosophy.
– Love Interests.
Ans: Yes, there is a way of getting out of your crush.
– Accept that the ship has sunk.
– Try to keep yourself away. Yes, it will be difficult, but you have to do it. Cut all ties and no conversation.
– Try to distract yourself with better hobbies.
– Get a new crush! 😉
A Crush To Love!
Yes, this might seem too good to be true, but if you play your cards right, you will be able to get the man/woman of your dreams.
No, it is not like a game or something where you win!
But, when you want someone dearly, you have to put in some effort. Only then will they know that it is the right decision to choose you.
If you have them!
Cherish them!
Do not stop putting in the effort!
Additional Reading: