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Dreaming About An Ex You Don’t Talk To Anymore? What Does It Even Mean?

Dreaming About An Ex You Don’t Talk To Anymore? What Does It Even Mean?

Dreaming About An Ex You Don't Talk To Anymore
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Hi guys, so I am back. And today, things can turn a little spiritual. I am going to talk about something we have all been through but hardly ever talk about – our dreams! To be specific, our dreams about a former partner. Yes, if you have been dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore, then it definitely deserves some attention.

At least that’s what I think!

I mean, if I am dreaming about someone I haven’t seen in months or years, leave talking, it’s strange. What is your subconscious even trying to say, especially about this ex-partner of yours?

Of course, if you broke up recently and are currently in the middle of a painful heartbreak, then chances are you are missing your former partner, or rather, the relationship you had with them. And that is not a very uncommon event – it’s actually very normal to dream about something that has deeply impacted you.

But today, we are specifically dealing with a situation where you and your ex are no longer in touch (thanks to the no-contact rule), but out of the blue, you are getting dreams about them.

Is the Universe trying to tell you something? What is your subconscious playing at, really? Let’s find out…shall we?

Are You Dreaming About An Ex You Don’t Talk To Anymore? Here’s Why!

Are You Dreaming About An Ex You Don't Talk To Anymore

After talking to several people who have been dreaming about a former partner, they are not in touch anymore, we have come up with more than one possible reason behind this strange phenomenon.

So, are you dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore? Then scroll down because we have some of the best possible reasons behind these strange and possibly creepy dreams.

1. Smells Like Unfinished Business:

If you and your former partner broke up recently and stopped talking altogether, but you are dreaming about them regularly, then chances are you both have some sort of unfinished business.

But before you start to get anxious over this, relax! It does not actually mean you want them back into your life. Moreover, it is not even a sign that you are still dealing with residual feelings for your ex-partner.

It can mean there is some emptiness in your life that you need to fill up with something that makes you happy. It can also refer to the need for a major confidence boost, the intimacy you share with your close friends, or something similar.

Plus, the significance of these dreams largely depends on your current situation, since dreams are very symbolic, specific, and, most importantly, personal.

2. You Regret Breaking Up:

Maybe, just maybe, you are not over your ex-partner or your relationship, and your subconscious is still grieving the breakup.

It is possible that the break-up was indeed healthy for the two of you. But at the same time, it is possible that you still feel guilty for breaking the heart of this other person. And it is fine – if you need time to mourn the end of the relationship, then give yourself the time and space to do so.

This is one of the best ways to truly, honestly heal before moving on.

Here are some coping strategies that can help you out:

  • Accept that sometimes losing something can lead to new openings.
  • Focus on the good things that you learned from your ex and the relationship you had with them.
  • Spend time on things that make you feel good – not just about anything, but about yourself.
  • Give yourself time to connect with your own self.
  • Feel as well as express emotions with your support system.

3. Sounds Like A ‘You’ Problem:

There is a possibility that you are dreaming about an ex-partner, not because it has anything to do with them. Instead, it is possibly a ‘you’ problem. Whatever is going on in your dreams, it is going to reflect not always on things between you and your former partner, but rather on what is going on with you.

And this can indicate a whole lot of things:

  • You missed yourself when you were with them.
  • You gave too much to the the relationship, and you want it back now.
  • Also, You have been ignoring a part of yourself.
  • You are not happy with your present life.
  • You miss the happiness and sweetness you have experienced in the past.

It doesn’t matter what could have been, but it can definitely hurt to actually analyze your behaviors and feelings at the time you were with your former partner.

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Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him

Dreams are like works of art – these represent your emotions. What we come across and experience in our dreams might not be real. However, the emotions attached to these dreams are very real.

4. You Probably Have Unresolved Feelings Toward Your Ex:

Now, do not freak out – calm down!

Dreaming about a former partner can be very disconcerting. But it necessarily does not mean they are hopelessly romantic. Maybe inside your head, you are still attempting to fix things. It is very possible that how things ended between both of you makes you feel worried and unsettled.

This could have a lot to do with your desire to get clean breaks in your life – at least for other relationships such as the ones you share with a colleague, friends, or family member. The truth is these dreams are a great indicator of emotional baggage that definitely needs resolution.

TBH, seeking understanding and clarity about your past experiences to move forward confidently can be difficult.

And It’s A Wrap!

Our dreams might represent so much more than random fleeting moments. These dreams can be a solid and powerful source of information and insight. Plus, these unlock doors to areas of our lives we failed to come across in the past.

Discussing these might appear to be intimidating, but at the same time, these also provide us with the opportunity to obtain a deeper understanding about our own selves. This, in turn, will help you to take control of your fate.

And if you are dreaming about an ex you don’t talk to anymore, then there has to be a reason behind it. It’s for you to figure out how these dreams will end – with a second chance or with closure.

Remember that the most meaningful choices in life are rooted in joy and self-improvement. They should align with your purpose and the road that is accurate for you. So, never be intimidated by the changes around you – instead, embrace the same as a growing opportunity. Besides, life is just too precious to waste!

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