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These Are The Powerful Signs Of Male Attraction: No.5 Will Change How You Look At Relationships!

These Are The Powerful Signs Of Male Attraction: No.5 Will Change How You Look At Relationships!

powerful signs of male attraction
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Want to know if he is into you? Well, you are in luck. We have compiled a list of the eight most powerful signs of male attraction that we believe are sure-shot signs that he considers you more than a friend and that he is truly attracted to you. 

Signs He Is Into You

Signs of attraction are not easy to spot when it comes to females. But when it comes to noticing or seeing powerful signs of male attraction, it has a blueprint. Well, I am just kidding! If you truly want to know what are the signs you really need to look for if you believe that he is into you, stick around. We got some tea to spill. 

Cannot Break Eye Contact

Cannot Break Eye Contact

Ladies, if you think he is into you, one of the first things you should notice is the eyes. Because “The eyes, Chico, they never lie.” There is a reason why eyes are believed to be the window to a person’s soul. I mean, a person can fake any emotions, but if you have the necessary observational skills, you can certainly tell if he is lying.

If he is truly into you or is attracted to you, his eyes will dilate. This is a scientifically proven phenomenon. Whenever we look at things or people we like, our eyes become dilated. This is something you might not notice from across the room. But one thumb rule is that if he steals glances or fails to break eye contact, this is one of the powerful signs of male attraction.

Clammy Hands Or Nervous

The confident man is the man who desires you, but the nervous man is the one who is attracted to you. If he is usually nervous around you and seems to have sweaty palms or says the most ‘embarrassing’ things. He is into you. The reason why he comes off as nervous is because he does not want to make any mistake to irk you. Therefore, he is being extra careful, which makes him seem very confused. Another sign is that he has clammy or sweaty palms. 

Touchy Feely

Touchy Feely

Human touch is not only one of the most powerful signs of male attraction but is also a love language. But hold up, you need to assess the touch before you conclude anything. The touch that we are talking about here is not the malicious touch or the kind that makes anybody feel awkward. In fact, this is the other kind, like shaking your hand, or giving you a high five, etc., whenever you see him. This touchy-feely can also be holding hands, playing with your hair, etc. So, keep an eye out for these signs. But do take a moment to assess the touch, not everything is good.

He Is Interested About The Happenings Of Your Life

He Is Interested About The Happenings Of Your Life.

Human touch is not only one of the most powerful signs of male attraction but is also a love language. But hold up, you need to assess the touch before you conclude anything. The touch that we are talking about here is not the malicious touch or the kind that makes anybody feel awkward. In fact, this is the other kind, like shaking your hand, or giving you a high five, etc., whenever you see him. This touchy-feely can also be holding hands, playing with your hair, etc.

So, keep an eye out for these signs. But do take a moment to assess the touch, not everything is good.

Stares At Your Face And Lips

Stares At Your Face

This is one of the weirdest signs on the list but bear with me. Us men, we consider a woman’s face and lips to be her best features. So, if he is staring at your lips while he is talking to you but does it in a subtle manner, he is definitely into you.

This is also a sign that he wants to kiss you and is cultivating the idea in his mind. So, if you want to go for the kiss, just go for it, he will definitely love the idea.

Mirrors Your Behavior

Mirrors Your Behavior

If you ever see a toddler, you will notice that they will try to mirror the behavior of the person they like the most. Guys are mostly like that, as well. If you see him mirroring your behavior without even realizing it, it means that he has a strong sense of attraction towards you.

This is also a subtle way of announcing that he is ready to put you in charge and will follow you to the end of the road. Well, mostly.

See Also

Jealous Or Possessive

Jealous Or Possessive

It is one of the most obvious powerful signs of male attraction. Men are territorial and love to be in control of the space that they have created themselves. So, whenever a man feels that the space that he created for himself is being encroached upon by another man, he will lose it. This includes you as well. Yet again, jealousy is a very powerful feeling. If he is showing signs of violence with jealousy, just run, there are better guys. But, if the jealousy is more nuanced and subtle, you got yourself a guy who is into you and screams ‘green flag’.

Try bringing up the name of another man, and see how he reacts. That will get you the answers you are looking for.

Wants To Spend Time With You

Wants To Spend Time With You

While some men only prefer to spend time with a lady for physical attraction. If you have found a guy who will like to tag along with you even while you want to do some of the most mundane activities, then you have a guy who is really, really attracted to you. See if he is down for some R&R at the nearest park or would like to visit the new museum.

If the answer is yes, you got a catch. For him, you matter, not the activity or the place, you might be excited to go shopping, but he is just happy to be there with you.  

Final Thought

In summation, the biggest sign of powerful male attraction is if he just turns into a mush in you. While we have compiled an extensive list of all the signs you need to look out for, the list does not end there. I mean, there are other signs as well. So the best way to see if he is into you is to spend time with him to understand him better. 

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