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True Love Is When He Ignores You: Is It True?

True Love Is When He Ignores You: Is It True?

True Love Is When He Ignores You
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Has this ever happened when you have been friends with a guy for a long time, and suddenly, they start ignoring you? Or did you tell a guy you liked him, and they ghosted you for days? This shows that the guy likes you but has commitment issues. So, is it possible that true love is when he ignores you?

Ignoring someone doesn’t always mean that they are ignoring you or not interested in you.

Sometimes, they fail to communicate their feelings and cannot speak up. But there can be several other reasons why a guy might be ignoring you. Whatever the reason, do not overthink it.

Let’s start with the possible reasons why a guy can be ignoring you.

What are the possible reasons behind a guy ignoring you?

Being ignored by a person you like is never easy to deal with. You might feel low, depressed, or restless, but first try to learn the reason behind this behavior and then communicate it with them if you want to.

He wants personal space

This is the simplest of all the reasons and the most obvious one. Maybe he wants some space from himself and does not even realize he is ignoring you.

He wants personal space

Every individual is different and has separate needs. You might not enjoy being alone long, but the other person might. This is something that cannot be calculated. It would be best if you gave him that time until he wants to communicate with you.

But once he is ready to talk to you, communicate about this issue with him and find common ground where you can coexist.

He is not good at communicating.

He is not good at communicating

Not everybody is good at communicating. Especially boys. They tend to keep their feelings to themselves and not communicate with the person.

If you guys used to be close and suddenly stopped all communications, there is a high chance that he is going through something or there is some problem, but he cannot share those with you.

He doesn’t want to be around you

He doesn't want to be around you

This sounds harsh, but this is a possible reason behind his ignoring you. Maybe he is not finding you interesting or has changed his mind about you. If this is the scenario, pull yourself together and move on. Don’t waste your time here anymore.

He has commitment issues

He has commitment issues

This is a prevalent issue. If he likes you and knows that you want him back, he might ignore you because he fears commitment.

The thought of committing to a relationship might scare him away. In this case, it’s best to talk to them and ask them what they want to do.

True Love Is When He Ignores You: Is That True?  

The answer to this question is yes; if a guy likes you, he will ignore you sometimes. There can be several reasons for that. True love is when he ignores you; it is not just a myth. This is true sometimes. Let’s find out the reasons behind this behavior.

His feelings are not getting reciprocated

Every guy who is in love would want their love to be reciprocated. And not just guys; it implies all human beings. They want to get the same love and affection back that they are willing to offer.

His feelings are not getting reciprocated

But they start acting out or feeling dejected when they don’t get that.

Maybe the case is you dont feel the same way he feels for you, and he is trying to get distant from you.

He is afraid of commitments  

I would be stating the obvious when I say men have commitment issues. They like to live by their rules and deal with life in their way.

Even when they love the other person deeply, committing to them in a long-term relationship scares them, and that thought makes them ignore you.

But dont get fooled. If they want to be with you, they will overcome all their fears to have you in their life.

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He feels you are too good for him  

This happens because of insecurity. If a woman is successful and independent, men often feel they are too good for them and don’t deserve her.

This is when they start ignoring you, thinking this is for the best. Well, here we can say that true love is when he ignores you.

He feels you are too good for him  

He doesn’t want to hold you back from anything; they want you to exceed and feels that they are not good enough for you.

He has some bad experiences from the past  

They can start to ignore you out of fear from past experiences. They might not want to go through that again if they had a bad experience in their previous relationship. In these cases, they would prefer to be alone even if they love you.

He has some bad experience from the past  

As humans, sometimes we show some similar traits to some other person, and when that happens, the old memories rush back and scare them to their very core. And because of that, they can ignore you even if they truely love you.

He is upset with you

We are humans and often make mistakes even when we don’t want to. We hurt people unknowingly. If you have broken your man knowingly and unknowingly, they may start ignoring you because you have hurt them.

He is upset with you

They would want you to confront that and apologize. They also want some pampering once in a while.

Trying to hide something from you

Have you ever considered the fact that they can hide something from you? He can start ignoring you when he has done something that might ruin your relationship, but he truely feels for you.

This again proves that true love is when he ignores you. Maybe they are scared that if they come in front of you, they will yell it out or hurt you somehow.

What can you do if you feel he is ignoring you?

Sometimes, things get out of hand, and you are left with no solution. But before the situation turns to this, there are a few things that you can do.

Make sure he is actually ignoring you

Sometimes, things get confusing, and you feel that your partner is ignoring you. He might be busy with some work or occupied with something else.

He may not even be ignoring you and just be involved with himself. So, before you jump to any conclusions, make sure he is actually ignoring you.

Know what is bothering him

The essential thing you should do is ask him directly if anything is bothering him. There are two possible solutions to this.

Either he will share the truth with you or make some excuse. If he speaks up, try to find a solution; if not, listen to his works and make sure what he is hiding.

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Earn his trust

If you believe that your love is true or share a bond with him, then be genuine around him even when he is ignoring you.

If you do that, he will trust you and, after a while, share what is bothering him or the reasons behind his actions.

Tell him that ignoring you will not be the solution

If you know someone genuinely loves you, tell them that ignoring you will not help the situation. Instead, he needs to fess up if anything is bothering him or if he has feelings for you.

Do not overreact and make the situation worse

It is normal to lose control over your emotions when your partner does something that you dont like. Ignoring is something that nobody receives gladly.

So, if you think they are ignoring you, calm yourself, be gentle, and do not overreact in front of them. This can make the situation even worse and can even cost you the love of your life.

Apologize if you have been the reason somehow

If you find out you have done something wrong, do not hesitate to apologize. Apologizing when you know you are at fault is an excellent way to fix the situation.

Give the man some space

Well, when everything goes wrong, and nothing works, you can only give them someplace. Whether a person is in a relationship or not, they require space occasionally.

Let him make his own decision, make his own choice. If he genuinely loves you, he will return to you.

Bottom line  

To get recap, it is not always true that a guy is ignoring you because he is in love with you. The fact that true love is when he ignores you is not always actual – there’s always a 50-50 chance.

But if they start ghosting you suddenly, giving them some space is better. However, if you are in a relationship, ask them to point out the issue blank.

That is the best possible way to know what exactly is going on. But don’t overwhelm them with all your emotions. That might backfire, and they may think you are invading their private space.

So calm down, take a deep breath, and take it slow. Things will fall into place automatically.

Have you read these?

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