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Brat BDSM: Everything You Want To Know About Brats

Brat BDSM: Everything You Want To Know About Brats

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The NSFW concept of brat BDSM, A.K.A, “The bratty sub loves to be punished, but they better not let their master know!”

If you are ‘just being curious’ about some of the infamous BDSM kinks, and after feeling heavy judgment from every other group, you have reached the right place; now resorting to the internet.

Brat is a sexy nickname that is often assigned to any sub in the sexual act of a brat kink bdsm. However, brats are different from your regular submissive in one distinct characteristic. 

They hate following the rules!

Or, rather, they prefer not to because the pleasure and pain for disobeying is their punishment/reward? If you are ‘interested’ *wink* *wink* in just knowing, or you want to try this kink and go all in with your partner-

As my girl, Megan Thee Stallion would say-

“Your honor, I’m a freak b***h, handcuffs, leashes…” – WAP – Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion.

You have reached the right place to find out all about the nitty-gritty of brat bdsm.

What Is Brat BDSM?

Now, we would all want to get into the sexy… I mean…*clears throat*…the educational part of the excerpt quickly just before learning some literary meaning of the brat kink concept.

Brat comes from the literal meaning of being bratty. So, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when the term ‘brat’ comes to your mind? Someone is disobeying and deliberately breaking the rule for attention or because they can.

The Brat BDSM is about a bratty sub who takes pleasure in disobeying their dominating masters and receives BDSM punishment. Most of which are predominately sexual in manner.

Some of the sexual activities we will be elaborating on later.

Kinds Of Bratty Behavior!

Kinds Of Bratty Behavior

There are certain bratty behaviors well known to the brat kink community. Since BDSM is known as a consensual punishment, and for every sexual activity within, there are rules. But the best thing is flexibility.

It depends on you and your partner (depending on the dom and sub in the picture). Whatever the two of you are comfortable with is allowed (with zero judgment!).

We will be giving you some scenarios from two points of view.

– As a Submissive brat.

– As a Dominating punisher.

A Submissive Brat

Submissive Brat

In brat bdsm, the submissive partner seems to have the most fun. They are always finding new ways to ‘provoke the bear’ to get the bite. In a twisted and extremely pleasurable manner, brats like the idea of disobeying and being difficult.

Before you try this brat kink sexual activity, remember that it is a more risky sexual game. Do it with someone you absolutely trust, and exchange the rules beforehand. If it is simply a sub, and dom relationship, signing a contract with your brat tamer is a good idea.

Now that we have got that out of the way, let us understand the nitty-gritty of being a brat BDSM submissive.

The Dominant Brat Tamer

The dominant counterpart of a submissive brat is called a brat tamer. Yep, their job is to just tame the brat. Brat tamers are never scared of putting their foot down, can effortlessly carry out punishments, are cheeky, and love the cat-and-mouse play in brat BDSM. 

Moreover, brat tamers have the skills to give the brat the space to be bratty and then figure out how to express their dominance while taming the brat – it could include orders, punishments, or anything else. 

Brat tamers are also responsible for putting brats in their places, establishing the basic rules, setting the tone, and ensuring that their brat is fine with the punishment. Just like most brats love to ‘earn’ their orders and punishments, brat tamers prefer earning their brat’s submission. It is so much gratifying to earn a brat’s submission instead of getting it for no good reason. 

Essentially, brat BDSM is actually all about the involved parties having a good back-and-forth game of submission and dominance.

Ways To Be Bratty

Ways To Be Bratty

Here are some of the common ways brat kink triggers their masters to get that good whipping. 

1. Talking Back

Talking Back

The easiest way of disobedience is talking back to your dominating master. There are some scenarios in which you can talk back-

– During sexual intercourse, when your brat tamer asks you to do something, you can deny it with a tone of bratty argument.

– Even normal conversations can turn spicy with a little talking back. Try to defy every statement of your dom partner.

There is a common myth about bdsm that it is some masochistic act where the submissive is just a slave, and they do not enjoy it. However, when we talk about brat BDSM or any other kind, it is a matter of pleasure for both parties.

Some ‘brats’ have even gone to the level of calling it, ‘funishment.’ Yes, the submissive does enjoy every part of the act, and if they don’t, there are consents and safe words. 

2. Not Obeying Orders

Not Obeying Orders

Disobeying orders is probably the best way to get your dominant partner all riled up to give you that goooooood pain!

What could be better than talking back? Disobeying every command of your ‘master.’

Here are some of the common ways you can book that painful pleasure for the night.

– When you try some bondage, physically restrict the restraint of your brat tamer.

– Interrupt your dom partner when they are giving you an order.

– Speak, especially when your brat tamer asks you to be quiet. (In the school of brat bdsm, that equals some good spanking!).

– Make a mess around the room.

– Hide the toys or tools your dom uses on you.

– Deny sexual acts or show resistance.

– Don’t look at their eyes when they ask you to or stare back when they ask you to look down.

– A temper tantrum goes a long way! Learn some of the commonly asked questions about the brat kink answered by experts themselves.

3. Act Naive

Act Naive

This brat bdsm foreplay is more innocent than bratty. However, it will be considered bad behavior since you are doing it deliberately. Do not worry; you will not leave unpunished.

– Make a mess while following their orders.

– Follow their orders, but not the way they want you to.

– Pretend you do not understand what they want you to do.

– Ask them what will happen if you do not obey.

– Show boredom towards obeying them.

4. Embarrassing Them In Public

Embarrassing Them In Public

Now, if you are feeling a little too risque and you are not scared of the punishment coming your way. We are talking about handcuffs, leashes, spanking, orgasm denial… and everything in between…then try these brat kinks and very dangerous behavior.

– Mock your dom partner’s performance.

– Tell them that their punishment doesn’t hurt.

– Just laugh!…if you are into it, you will be crying and moaning soon.

– If you are someone fairly younger than your dom, mock them for their age. (ohhhh! That’s dangerous, especially if you are dealing with a dominatrix).

How A Dom Can Punish In Brat BDSM

How A Dom Can Punish In Brat BDSM

If you are the dom master/mistress (aka brat tamer) disciplining the sub!

“A nice bdsm brat punishment.!”

Here are some of the ways you can up the ‘funishment’ game. Thus, making it fun from your side as well because you do not like being disobeyed.

– During sexual acts, you can deny them orgasm until they are at their absolute edge.

– Chains and restraints can add a nice touch to restrict their movements.

– Whips and spanks to add the pain factor. You can make them count the spanks for the number of bad behaviors throughout the day.

– Putting them under gag restrictions to prevent them from speaking.

Just remember not every punishment has to be sexual. Some could just be fun and games, while sex could be the cherry on top at the end of the day.

How Can I Introduce Brat Play To My Partner?

As with most things in sex, talking about stuff before is vital so that all involved parties are on the same page. Obviously, you do not want to start snapping or talking back suddenly out of the blue. So, it is sort of a great idea to talk about BDSM if you haven’t done so already. While you are doing so, talk specifically about brat play. 

At the same time, it is a good idea to communicate honestly and openly about your desires or needs while giving your partner the space to actually listen to you. If you think that your partner will need more education on the subject or even time to think it over, then that is totally valid. And you must respect that!

In contrast, it might also be something that they have thought about sincerely and might just be stoked secretly to find that you have taken it up first.

Can You Be A Sub And Not Be A Fan Of Brat BDSM?

Yes, you can be a submissive and still not be a fan of brat play. Yes, Brat play comes with completely different dynamics that don’t fall under the whole dom-sub play. If you are a sub, but you do not like the idea of actually talking back, then it’s not a problem. 

After all, there are so many other kinds of subs, including but actually limited to good boys/good girls, slaves, victims, babies, masochists, and more. 

Additional Reading:

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