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Sexual Romance: An Interesting Path To Make Your Partner Happy 

Sexual Romance: An Interesting Path To Make Your Partner Happy 

sexual romance
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Sexual romance!

Sex is an art, and romanticism adds a sensual touch to it. 

When you love someone, it is obvious that you will get physically attracted to that person. 

Just like the mental and spiritual bond, it is also heavenly to feel the physical bond with your partner. It is important for a healthy relationship. That urge to kiss your partner and give them sexual pleasure are some of the signs that you are madly in love with your beau. 

But then, as I have said, sex is not just a physical need; it is an art. 

So, you need to craft it with your special touch. 

You might not know, but your partner is madly craving every bit of you. And you can gift them all you have with proper sexual romance. 

While sex positions are a lot about technicalities, you always do not have to be perfect in that and create your own way of getting everything from each other. It can add an extra spark to your relationship. You might find an unknown side of your lover through that. 

Pin her against the wall, cause she is a masterpiece.”


Be that bad bitch in bed and let him crave for you.” 

Have More Sexual Romance With These Quick Tips

Sexual Romance Quick Tips

Some days, you crave that sex, which goes beyond the physical. 

The sex that is full of powerful emotions, tender and intense simultaneously, almost spiritual. Sex is not only about intertwining two bodies but a perfect blend of two lovely souls. 

Sexual romance is an experience of expressing feelings of love, care, and passion through sexual erotic touch. Sex and romance are basically the ways to communicate what you are feeling about your lovely partner, and that is through sexual romance.

Romance and sex are both crucial for your relationship. When you are thinking about sexy romance and having some steaming hot sexy romance, it is always best to consult with sexuality experts. 

But that is not possible most of the time, and I know it gets a lot uncomfortable and awkward as well. So, here I am with some amazing sexual romance tips for you. 

Tip No. 1: Know What Romantic Sex Is, For Your Partner

Romantic Sex

The sexy hot romance concept is a little complicated because you and your partner might not be on the same page regarding your sexual love story. So, it is best to understand your partner and what sexual romance is for your partner. 

I know when you are planning an intense romantic sex night for your partner, you just can not ask about that directly. With time you will automatically start knowing that if you pay that much attention. 

Tip No. 2: Understand Your Partner’s Inner World

Partner's Inner World

The truth is that sexual romance begins outside the bedroom. Romantic sexy behavior or attitude is all about expressing how you actually feel about your partner through erotic sexual touches or sexuality. 

You need to start nurturing the connection first. Take more time to know your partner and their personal challenges, desires, fears, hopes, and dreams. You need to catch each and every clue your bae is giving you. 

Tip No. 3: Create A Romantic Environment

Romantic Environment

Creating a romantic environment is the easiest way to cultivate sexual romance. You need to set the right sexy scenes for all your intimate activities. Here, you need to be creative with sensory experiences, such as listening to sexy music, adding some sultry scents, and expanding your sexual experience. 

I will always ask you to use softer lights and keep the place completely neat and clean. Yes, these things play huge roles in making your sexy love story full of sexy romance. 

Tip No. 4: Lost In Each Other’s Eyes

Lost In Each Other's Eyes

Eyes do speak a lot. Also, when it comes to sexual romance, eyes play a major role. Yes, it is true that closed eyes will always help you to get more Sexual passion. At the same time, when you read through your partner’s eyes, it will obviously turn you on. 

So, before getting lost within each other’s arms, it is time to get lost in each other’s eyes. While gazing into your partner’s eyes, try to see into their soul and see them fully. 

Tip No. 5: Kiss Your Partner Elsewhere Than Mouth

Kiss Your Partner

Often a deep lip kiss might give you the pleasure of sexual passion. But when you want something more than just sex and romance and are craving sexual romance, gentle and tender kisses on different body spots will help you. 

This might lead to the hottest sex you have ever had. Kiss on the more vulnerable and tender places. Kiss on the forehead, back of the hand, neck, shoulder, or inner thigh. 

Tip No. 6: Hold Hands Tight

Hold Hands Tight

Getting physical is not only about sex; all those physical touches like brushing through your partner’s arm, holding hands, everything counts. Ll these simple acts of affection always clear the path of passionate sex and sexual romance. 

As you gaze into each other’s eyes, interlock your fingers with your partner and melt in each other. 

Tip No. 7: Romance Should Be There In Your Day-To-Day Life


Romance should never be occasional; you need to incorporate it into your everyday life. Eventually, you will start finding that romance is translating more easily into your sex life. Being romantic is all about creating a sense of anticipation, excitement, and passion within your relationship. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert; you just need to show affection for your partner more actively. 

Tip No. 8: Mooooooore Cuddle!

More Cuddle

Who doesn’t love cuddles?

We all do.

Cuddling is important for a good sexual romance life. You can show your sexual passion while you are cuddling with your partner. Cuddle not only reduces stress and increases your dopamine production but also can increase some other sex hormones as well. 

Tip No. 9: Aftercare Is Also Important

It is important to extend intimacy beyond just the sexual realm. 

And that is why I will always ask you to continue showing care for your partner. Helping each other get dressed after having an intense sexual romance might help you a lot. It shows that you actually care for your partner, and that is not just limited to sex. 

You want more of your partner than just the physical attachment and pleasure. 

Tip No. 10: Share Your Feelings Also

Share Your Feelings

It might seem a little clingy or old school, but sharing your feelings about your partner with the same individual will always help you to maintain a healthy relationship when you are looking for sexual romance and want your sex romantic time more meaningful than it is necessary. 

Tell your partner how the individual person makes you feel, what you love the most in them, and what it feels like when they look at you, touch you, or kiss you. 

Deepen Your Connection With These Romantic Sex Positions

Romantic Sex Positions

Although the connection you share with your “love” is all about a feeling. The mental connection you share with them. 

At the same time, having a sexy romantic time is necessary for a healthy relationship. After all, sex is not only a physical need. It also makes the connection between you and your partner stronger and adds additional meaning to it. 

It means you have to add more touch of romanticism in your sexual positions. Sex and romance often go hand in hand. Although romantic does not always have to be sexual, and also at the same time, sex does not always have to be only intercourse. 

You can always make your sex more and more romantic and enjoyable for your partner. Let’s find out the positions that you must try right now to make your sexual romance more fascinating and passionate. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 1: The Face Off 

Face Off

The heart of intimate sexual romance is the hard pressing of flesh against flesh and, of course, the gaze between eyes. A lot of lovers gaze into each other’s eyes right through orgasm. This gives a completely different feel of passion and madness. 

When you both are madly in love with each other, you should definitely try this position. 

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Money Kink

Here the insertive partner needs to sit in a chair or something like that and ask their counterpart to sit in their lap while making face-to-face eye contact. Get inserted while looking into each other’s eyes, start slowly and get rough gradually and feel each and every flesh of each other. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 2: The Lazy Man 

When your partner touches you, it is the warmth of their touch that makes you aroused. And this particular sexual romance position provides an in-depth sense of emotional safety when you are pressed into your lover’s bosom (her). 

As the name says, the insertive individual has to be “the lazy man.” While enjoying slow and relaxing sex, don’t forget to plant some tender kisses on your partner’s breasts.  

Sexy Romantic Position No. 3: Two of Hearts 

Two of Hearts

I can bet you will fall in love with this position. 

Ask your insertive partner to sit cross-legged and sit on your partner’s lap facing them. Now wrap your legs around your partner. No need to hurry to reach that point. Rather take your time, and kiss your love deeply, as if you are not getting enough of them and are willing to get more. 

Sucking earlobes always brings more sensation and arouses, so use that well. What about whispering some dirty and lovely things in your partner’s ear? To make the time more memorable and addictive, have some dark chocolate or Champagne on hand and feed each other. 

After all, what can be better than eating chocolate and boozing during sexual romance? 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 4: The Spoon 

The Spoon


Spooning has always been loving, doting, tender, and leisurely. It doesn’t matter whether you are the big spoon or the small spoon; it is always really intimate to be in the protective, loving embrace of your partner

And, if you are the embracer, do not forget to whisper into your partner’s ear. Whisper how much you love that pretty individual, how you want to feel every bit of their body. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 5: Gift Wrapped 

Gift Wrapped 

When you both are close to orgasm, this is a great position to transition into. With this, the insertive partner will feel the sexual tension in the muscles of their partner’s calves against their butt. 

It will get enhanced by deep penetration and, of course, clitoral stimulation. Your partner is a gift to you, so why not make them feel that way with this gift wrapping? That touching of each muscle with each other brings another level of pleasure. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 6: The Lotus 

The Lotus

You might feel a little awkward in the beginning while trying this posture. But trust me, it’s worth it. In this position, the insertive partner has to sit with their leg crossed. Now the receptive partner needs to sit on the lap of their partner and wrap their legs, begging their partner. 

Once you are settled with the position, it is prime time to make the insertion. In this lotus position, you are actually getting access to your love’s entire body. The level of intimate connection from the face-to-face position is of another level. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 7: Stand And Deliver 

Stand And Deliver

There are some times when you just don’t get enough of your partners, or you want more and more. For those special and passionate times, you can try this position. It is super easy to maintain for longer periods. 

The “stand and deliver” position emphasizes stillness. And you can not miss the opportunity to gaze at the expense of your bae’s body when they are trembling in passion. Also, as you are standing over your love, it offers a feeling of power. 

Sexy Romantic Position No. 8: The Binge-Worthy 

Binge Worthy

Netflix and chill are all great after a tiring day or week. 

But that doesn’t literally mean you have to just chill, especially when you can have something more sensational. Turn out the lights, lock the door, and get nacked under a cozy blanket. Play any movie or series. If you want, you also can be the inner spoon to enjoy the couple snuggling.

Now let the game begin, and press your bum against your partner until and unless you both are too turned on and need to pause the show. While your partner’s leg is wrapped around your hip, let your partner slide in from behind.

Also, let your partner kiss you madly from behind while he is already within you. If you love the tighter and wilder feel, straighten your legs and press them together. 

Also, Save These For Later!

I totally get it; when you are completely into one another, you just can not get enough of each other. No matter how intense your sexual romance is getting day by day and how satisfied you are, you will always want more and more.

So, here are some more romantic hot sex scene scenes for you. 

  • The Star-Crossed Lovers.
  • Lazy Cowgirl.
  • Cupid’s Arrow.
  • Full Wrap.
  • Missionary.
  • The Mountain Climber.
  • Iron Chef.
  • Bed Fort Bondage.
  • The Tight Squeeze.
  • The Cocoon.
  • Lap Dance.
  • As You Wish. 
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