“Does she like me?”
“Is she attracted to me?”
“Has she fallen for me?”
There are so many questions that must have been running across your mind! And that’s absolutely fine because when you have a crush on someone, it’s only normal that you want to find out about their feelings for you – right? Yes, I know, I get it.
As a woman who has always been expressive about my feelings, especially when it comes to men, it’s not that difficult to understand when I like someone. But women are not prototypes of each other with generic viewpoints, which is exactly why a little body language and some ‘surefire’ signs are what you need before you can make a move.
Keep reading to find out more…I promise!
Does She Like Me? 10 Surefire Signs She’s Into You!
If you are still here, then it’s obvious that you are here seeking signs a girl likes you! So instead of wasting time on ‘does she like me’ or ‘does she like me not,’ why don’t you scroll down and find out all the signs that point out she is into you?
The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie:
I know you are constantly asking yourself, ‘does she like me more than a friend?’ and that’s where all the butterflies begin to bother you. And when she walks by, you can’t stop yourself from stealing a glance at her…right?
Guess what?
She is probably stealing a few glances at you too! One of the primary ways of finding out if someone likes you is by simply checking out whether you guys have eye contact with each other. I don’t mean normal eye contact but the kind of eye contact where you just know. Is she staring right back at you? Then you have probably found yourself an admirer!
Yes, Yes, Yes:
Are you guys hanging out frequently randomly? When you ask her to hang out with you, does she say ‘yes’ really fast? Is she always calling you with new plans to hang out? If your answer’s yes to these questions, then she definitely likes you.
It could be possible she loves your company, but then there’s a difference between just liking someone’s company and liking someone romantically! And that’s exactly what you have to figure out – watch out for the signs!
If she prefers hanging out with you alone frequently, then that’s definitely a sign. Then if she calls you for help that would require you guys to meet up, then that’s also a sign. Moreover, if she takes you as a plus one to different events, then that’s also a chance of her liking you!
Comedy Of Errors:
If you know that most of your jokes are usually terrible ones, then why can’t she stop laughing at your jokes? That’s because she likes you. Women might not have generic viewpoints, but we do like laughing at poor jokes, only when they are cracked by someone we like.
Yes, it sounds a little complicated, but who said we were simple? And why should men have all the fun, anyway?
We are good at this game too, you know – you just have to pull up your socks a little and put in the effort because if my boyfriend can’t make me laugh, what am I even doing with him in the first place?
The Art Of Conversation:
I agree that I like quiet guys, but that’s because I intend on talking a lot under a majority of circumstances. But at the same time, I would also love to have a good conversation with a man who knows how to talk – I call it intellectual orgasm, and who doesn’t love an orgasm even when it’s mental?
In order to master the art of conversation, you just gotta keep up with what’s happening around you – scroll your Twitter or Instagram feed if reading a few books or even the newspaper seems like a huge job. But trust me, if she loves talking to you, then there’s a fair possibility that she does like you.
Are My Clothes Fine? Is My Hair Okay?
Although the internet has become popular for several quizzes, ‘does she like me quiz’ is one such quiz that I am usually against because these are all generic quizzes. I mean, matters of the heart are always a little more complex than most things in life – Who told you it was going to be easy?
Every time you guys hang out, does she ask you things like,
- Are my clothes fine?
- Is my hair okay?
Because if she does, then she cares about her appearance, especially in front of you. It’s even better if you spot her doing so without saying anything aloud – this means she is doing it for you under a majority of circumstances.
Jealousy Is Not Your Weapon:
Jealously is truly the best sign that she is into you. I have been dating someone for the past four years, and it’s a secure relationship I am completely sure about. In four years, my boyfriend has never given me an opportunity to complain.
But, but, but every single time any woman cozies up to him, my blood boils, and unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do about it. But, and this has existed from the early days of our romance, we weren’t together even then!
Nailing The Body Language Game:
You might have been secretly hiding your feelings for this girl for some time now, but did you know that all this while, your body language has been giving you away, albeit subconsciously? If you didn’t know that, then it’s time you did – you will also be able to follow your crush’s body language for effective results.
If she is blocking her body with her arms or hands when she is near you, then she definitely doesn’t like you – the point is to check whether she is opening her body to you when you are close to her (obviously subconsciously)! So quit asking yourself, ‘does she really like me?’ and instead, just be a little smart, and you will soon have the answers you were looking for!
The Sheer Tension…Chemistry, They Call It!
If two people like each other, then there’s no way these two people don’t have any sexual tension between them. You can call it chemistry or sexual tension, but the point is it exists, and if it doesn’t, then that means you guys are not meant for each other.
The butterflies are real, and so is that sizzling chemistry. And that’s when you know – it’s meant to be! You just have to wait for the right time. It might not look easy at the moment, but if you can feel the tension, then chances are you are not alone in this!
Yes, I Do Have A Question…
When you are asking yourself, ‘does she like me,’ have you wondered why she is asking all those bizarre questions? She is…isn’t she? If she is asking you too many questions, then that clearly indicates her curiosity about your life.
For instance, does she ask you about your zodiac? Does she ask you about your ex-girlfriends? Does she ask you how you are in a relationship or your opinions on infidelity?
You don’t need those ‘does she like me tests’ to figure out that she is interested in you – if she is already asking you so many personal questions, then chances are she is into you! So why don’t you ask her a few questions as well?
Babe, Would You Please Pull Me Closer?
The thing about the whole ‘does a girl like me?’ or not is you will never know until you tell her! But then there are times you just know…right? So when I was just hanging out with my boyfriend in the initial ‘we like each other but don’t know what to do’ phase, I remember there were so many times we would touch each other awkwardly.
For instance, while crossing the road, he would hold my hand, and I would feel the butterflies go wild in the pit of my stomach. And then we would just get plain weird about it. And it’s just one of those things – there was so much more!
If you guys are in this phase, then it’s time you just tell her – maybe she is a little shy, or perhaps she is just like me, and she will tell you soon. She is probably waiting for some surefire signs as well!
Love’s Labour’s Lost: The ‘Does She Like Me’ Factor!
You must be asking yourself, ‘does this girl like me?’ and you are anxious but trust me, it’s all about the bond you guys have. Women are not as easy as you think them to be unless they ACTUALLY want to be so! Or you could always just tell her you like her and watch her become your girlfriend…you know what I mean!
So quit asking ‘does she like me’ inside your head, and instead ask her for a change…sounds simple, right? In the meantime, don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences about that girl you like in the comments below.
Additional Reading:
Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.