Mastering the art of conversation is not an easy task for most of us. And more often than not, men mess up – they don’t know what to ask! I’m so turned off by some of the questions men have asked me that I thought writing a blog featuring the best flirty questions to ask a girl is my only salvation.
I know – it’s disappointing, really. Think about me, ladies! I might actually come across men I like who might end up asking me questions that I am featuring on this blog.
In any such situation, will I feel proud or sad? I don’t know! But Women’s History Month is going on – and I am ready to take one for the team.
So, stay tuned – this is about to get really exciting.
Mastering The Art Of Conversation: 99 Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl (As Per Experts)

Noting is literally more exciting, fun, heart-pumping, and butterflies-in-your-stomach-inducing than getting to know someone new. You would want to find out everything about them, particularly if you are getting the same vibes from them as well.
In fact, every relationship initially goes through a ‘talking phase.’ During this phase, it’s only normal for you to ask your crush multiple questions and have several honest and open conversations.
This classic ‘getting to know someone’ phase ideally includes frequent dates and is basically about learning what these dates are all about, trying to figure out if they are good for you in the long run.
Moreover, there’s no pressure to have mutual interests, hobbies, likes, etc. In fact, the differences are great. But the more you get to know someone, the easier it becomes for you to decide if you feel like pursuing something serious together.
So, just consider that you have permission to ask your potential partner about all that you need to know. Of course, you need to read the room. You should not ask stuff that might feel disrespectful or something that they won’t receive well.
Also, you don’t have to make your potential partner feel like they are in an interview to become the perfect girlfriend. Conversations should be organic – not planned!
The key is to ask questions that will help you find out more about your crush while establishing a connection without making it feel like an interrogation.
So, if you still don’t know where to begin, then don’t worry! I’ve put together a master list featuring flirty questions to ask your crush. Now, these might sound flirty on the surface, but the idea is to ask questions that are deep enough but fun on the surface.
Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl: Conversation Ice Breakers

So, it was kinda impossible to list 99 flirty questions to ask a girl in one go. As a result, I categorized the questions into different sections. Each section highlights the different stages of the initial ‘talking phase,’ when you are getting to know someone new (and someone you can’t stop crushing over).
Naturally, I have started with conversation icebreakers. These icebreakers are fun and flirty and never fail to work. So, let’s get started, shall we?
Ice Breaker Questions To Ask A Girl:
1. Do you believe in love at first text, or should I send another one?
2. What’s your favorite way to be seduced without it being too obvious?
3. If you were a romantic movie director, how would you script our love story’s first kiss?
4. If you could read minds, what flirty thoughts of yours would you want me to know?
5. If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?
6. If you had to live in a different city, which one would you choose?
7. Are you a dog or cat person?
8. Is there a talent or hobby you wish you had or one you’d like to learn?
9. Do you like to cook, or are you Team Takeout?
10. What’s the best (or craziest) trip you’ve ever been on?
11. If you were a genie, what three wishes would you grant to make this moment unforgettable?
12. What is something that people usually misunderstand about you?
13. What are your thoughts on monogamy?
14. Do you want to be in a relationship right now?
15. When it comes to priorities like work, life, family, and friends, how does each rank compare to the others?
16. Do you think you’re over your ex?
17. Do you see yourself living here forever, or would you ever like to live somewhere else?
18. Do you think it’s better to stay friends with exes or to cut ties with them?
19. What’s one thing you wish you were better at?
20. What kind of first impression do you think you have on people?
21. What do you hope your life looks like when you retire?
22. Do you see yourself being a parent one day?
23. When was your last relationship?
Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl: After A Few Dates

Once you start going on a few dates, things start turning exciting. This is the stage when you start getting the butterflies and the curiosity to find out everything about your crush. As a result, this is literally the time when you will feel like asking your potential girlfriend several questions to find out more about her.
So, I decided to make this section a little longer than the other sections. Here’s what you can ask your ‘girl’ once you get to know her a little!
Questions To Ask A Girl After A Few Dates:
1. What do you think makes someone a good kisser?
2. Are you a good kisser?
3. How do you figure out that you are crushing over someone?
4. What was the first thing that you noticed about me?
5. What was your first impression of me?
6. What are some of the weirdest quirks that you find attractive?
7. What’s your love language?
8. Describe your style of attachment.
9. What do you think is the most attractive thing about you?
10. Did many people crush on you in college/high school?
11. Do you think the two of us are compatible?
12. What would you do if I kissed you right now?
13. If you had to choose between cuddling or making out, which one would you pick?
14. What are your biggest turn-ons?
15. What are your biggest turn-offs?
16. Do you like making th
e first move or prefer it when your crush else makes the first move?
17. What do you look for in a potential partner or your boyfriend?
18. What’s your best pick-up line?
20. What is the weirdest sex dream you have had?
21. I’ve tickets to the concert. Do you want to go out?
22. What’s something you legitimately hate?
23. Do I make you laugh?
24. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should we go out a few more times before you fall for me?
25. What is a relationship dealbreaker, according to you?
26. If you could do magic, what love spell would you cast on me?
27. On a scale of 1 to the United States, how free are you tomorrow?
28. Do you like trying out new things?
29. What’s your wildest fantasy?
30. What is your guilty pleasure?
Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl: It’s 3 a.m. In The Night

This is a dangerous time – 3 a.m. in the night! No matter how much you deny, we have all stayed awake till 3 in the night, texting stuff back and forth that you could have never said in the harsh daylight of the morning.
Yes – it’s true! While waiting for the common sense of the morning is always the safest idea, it is always best to know what you can ask (and what you must avoid asking) your crush/potential girlfriend when it’s too late in the night!
*Personally, I am a sucker for such conversations.*
Questions To Ask A Girl At 3 a.m.:
1. If I had to say yes, all day, what would you get me doing?
2. How do you describe yourself, naughty or nice?
3. Do you believe I am your soulmate?
4. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
5. Is the third date too soon for Netflix and chill?
6. What is something about you that people would never guess?
7. Where and how do you like to be touched?
8. Can you give me a hint on your favorite place to be kissed?
9. Do you think I am sexy?
10. Do you find looks attractive or brains?
11. Have you dated several people? Is there any pattern?
12. If you were a smooth jazz song, what would your melody be saying about us right now?
13. Tell me your biggest secret.
14. Do I make your heart race?
15. Do you enjoy massages?
16. Lights on or lights off?
17. Do you think inappropriately about me?
18. Are you falling for me?
19. Do you miss me often?
20. Do you think about me when I am not around because I think about you?
21. What’s your favorite romantic movie and why?
22. Has anyone used pickup lines/dirty jokes on you?
23. How to impress you?
Flirty Questions To Ask A Girl: To Propose Or Not To Propose

Welcome to the fourth and final stage. So, this is the stage where you make up your mind about making it official or just keeping it casual! The thing is – you will just know if it’s meant to be or if it’s just another milestone before you reach the final destination.
If you can’t stop thinking about making it official, here are some flirty questions to ask a girl (or should we call her ‘your girl’ already?)
Questions To Ask A Girl Before Making It Official:
1. Have you ever thought about kissing me before our relationship?
2. What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever been on?
3. Are you over your ex-boyfriend?
4. What does an ideal relationship look like for you?
5. What’s the perfect way to ask someone out to make it official?
6. Coffee shop date or cozy dinner at home?
7. How are you still single? I’m too lucky, I guess!
8. If you could steal a kiss from anyone in the room right now, who would it be?
9. When did you fall in love with me?
10. Do you believe I am your soulmate?
11. So, What are you doing for the rest of your life?
12. Do you love grand gestures?
13. Do you believe in true love?
14. Did you have an active sex life in the past?
15. Do you like taking charge in bed, or do you like your partner to be dominant?
16. Are you a fan of handcuffs?
17. Do you believe that good sex is the key to a healthy relationship?
18. Under pressure in a relationship, have you ever lied to your partner?
19. Have you ever cheated on your partner?
20. Are you currently going out with anyone else?
21. Do I make you laugh?
22. Do I turn you on?
23. What is the weirdest thing about me that you find attractive?
And It’s A Wrap!
And it’s a wrap on the best flirty questions to ask a girl!
The art of conversing well is not an easy affair. In fact, effective communication is a skill, not just in romantic relationships but in every sphere of your life. As a result, while wanting to know everything about your potential girlfriend is normal, making her feel like it’s an interrogation or even an interview can be a major turn-off!
Moreover, she might lose interest in you if you overwhelm her with questions or avoid asking her too much.
So, you have to find the right balance. Ask her questions, but not enough to overwhelm her. At the same time, avoid being too quiet. That way, she will think you are not that into her. It might sound a little complicated now, but trust me, and ask the questions I have listed above. It will work!
All the best! I’ll be waiting to hear back from you soon. Let me know about your experience with these questions in the comments below.
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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.