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Mastering The Art Of Orgasm: How To Finger A Girl?

Mastering The Art Of Orgasm: How To Finger A Girl?

how to finger a girl
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“Unconditional Love, Happiness And Those Mind-Blowing Orgasms. 
That’s What It’s All About.”

You might think that the sweet pleasure of orgasmic fingering is easy to give to a girl, but you are so wrong. The insider of the vagina is like a multiple-choice question, you need to choose the correct one, or you are out. 

Diffusing the bomb is hard, so if you are scared, then I can help you to get your girl cum to the brink of extreme pleasure. Scroll down slowly, and you will know learning from porn will only give you disappointment; real life is much different. 

“A Women’s orgasm is a marathon, not a sprint.”

How To Finger A Girl? The Mystery Is Inside

If your girl really enjoys a good fingering session, but you don’t know where everything goes, then it’s best that you learn everything about that territory. Consider this article as a crash course for free on the basics of how to finger a girl. 

Before you learn about how to finger a woman, it is important that you know about the female genitalia; it’s much more complex than the male ones. The two most important things about the female genitalia are the two viagra lips and the much-important clitoris. 

The vagina is what you call the hole, whereas the clitoris has been a mystery till the 80s. The main purpose of the clitoris has been unknown ever since. The clitoris is like a little flap that covers the inside of the vagina. Some women have a thick flap, while others have a little one. 

If you peak of ht either side of the clitoris, there lies the cervix and the G-spot. The foremost rule during sex is the cervix is off-limits, so ladies, be 100% sure before you scream and say, “Deeper,” make sure that you can handle it. 

And guys, don’t just shove it anyways to see what happens; it can be very harmful if damaged in any way. But the story is a lot different when it comes to the G-spot. That is what you wanna really hit hard. The G-spot lies on the front wall inside the vagina.  

The Art Of An Orgasm: How To Properly Finger A Girl

Art Of An Orgasm

“A good man gives his woman a lot  of orgasms.”

If you wanna give your girl the ultimate pleasure that she deserves, then it is important to learn how to finger a girl; it is not as easy as you think. But if you are eager to please your lady with the utmost pleasure, here are a few tips that you can apply. 

1. Prepare Ahead Of Time

Prepare Ahead Of Time

It is always a great idea to prepare yourself before you have sex. Particularly for a fingering girlfriend, it is important that you trim your nails and have clean nails at the same time. 

It is not great if you expose her vagina with all the dirt and germs on your fingers. So washing up before you get dirty is a must. 

2. Keep A Lube Ready

Keep A Lube Ready

It is always great to prepare ahead of time. Not all women are like Niagra falls when they get aroused, so do not let that be a problem; lubrication can be a great help. The lube can work as a way to lessen her irritation while you are fingering and the vagina dries up. 

Another reason why lubrication is important is when your girl hasn’t reached the orgasmic point since the arrival of orgasm depends from woman to woman. But till it arrives, the juices might dry, so a quick lube action is quite helpful in those cases. 

3. Know Where And How She Likes To Be Touched

Girls who masturbate know exactly what she likes and how she likes it, so if you wanna do it right, get close to her and ask her to move your finger exactly how she would like it. 

This is a great way for you to learn how and where she likes it, and at the same time, it is a great way of teasing her in the process. 

4. Get Comfortable

Get Comfortable

There are two ways to an Orgasm, the shortcut way or the scenic route. If you are going the scenic route, then it might take a while to reach there, so you guys better be comfortable. 

Get in a position where you can just lie down and be comfortable while the fingering is ongoing. Don’t keep moving while fingering, or else the momentum is hampered. 

5. Turn The Switch On And Make It Rain

Switch On And Make It Rain

Remember that fingering is not foreplay; fingering comes later, so the first step is turning her on with a little foreplay, and that will only make the experience more horny and sensual. 

Once she is turned on, she won’t need any additional lubrication, she will make her own and respond well to the stimulation of your finger. 

This process will be enjoyable for both of you, her enjoyment is obvious, but you will also get turned on when you see horny women moaning at your mercy. That way, you can play her like a guitar and pluck at her strings quite easily. 

6. Talk Dirty To Her

Talk Dirty To Her

If you wanna know how you are doing with the job at hand (pun intended!), then keep your communication open. That is the only way you are able to understand whether she likes what you are doing for not. 

And while talking, it helps if you include a few dirty talks here and there to keep things randy and spicey. This will only enhance the stimulation even more. 

7. Look At How She Reacts

Don’t forget to look at her reactions when you are fingering. If you wanna know how to finger a girl, then look at her reaction to know how she is responding to it. 

If she is highly aroused, then know that what you are doing is working like a miracle. Her reaction will tell you whether she is getting all the pleasure that she should get or not. If she is, then I can guarantee that you are going to get rewarded soon by her as well. 

8. Clitoris Is The Key

Clitoris Is The Key

The clitoris is like a little blob of flesh at the beginning of the vaginal slit. Although the organ is very, it is the key to everything. It truly is the finish line you wanna reach while fingering your girlfriend or even fingering from behind to make things more raunchy.

The clitoris has a lot of nerve receptors that make the area very sensitive to slight touch. So touching the clitoris will increase the stimulation a reaction from your girl. 

9. It’s More Than Sticking Your Finger In And Out

Sticking Your Finger

By now, it should be known to you that fingering is more than just jabbing your finger inside the vagina and moving it vigorously. There is a process to everything, and for that, you need to know the specifics of what you are doing inside. 

Masturbation is what makes your woman cum, while penetration feels great, but that doesn’t make you cum. So if you want to make your girl cum then finger her properly. 

10. Hit The G-Spot

The main thing you wanna hit while fingering is the spongy part of the vagina, which is the G-spot. If you don’t know where the G-spot is located, then it’s best to have a quick biology crash course; then, you will be ready for anything. 

Wrapping Up!

Knowing how to finger your girl is quite easy. It’s definitely not rocket science, so don’t panic, be confident in your ability. Then everything will be at your fingertip. (pun intended!) 

So if you follow these simple tips, it will definitely help you in the long run. So if you liked this article, then give us a like and comment down below. 

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